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 April 24, 2023

Rep. Dan Kildee of Michigan was discharged from the hospital after 'successful' cancer surgery.

Rep. Dan Kildee (D-Michigan) was released from the hospital over the weekend after a "successful surgery" to remove a malignant tumor from his tonsil, he announced on Saturday.

"I am happy to be leaving the hospital after a successful surgery to remove a small cancerous tumor," Kildee wrote on social media.

"I want to thank my great team of doctors who provided excellent care. I continue to be grateful that I caught my cancer diagnosis early thanks to a preventative scan."

"As I continue to recover from my surgery at home, I want to thank my constituents for their continued support," he continued.

"And I would like to thank my talented and dedicated staff, who are continuing to serve the people of the Eighth District as I recuperate. I look forward to being back voting in Congress and traveling the district soon."

Mitchell Rivard, chief of staff for Congressman Dan Kildee (MI-08), issued the following statement after the Congressman’s surgery for squamous cell carcinoma:

“Last month, Congressman Kildee was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma, a serious but curable form of cancer. This afternoon, the Congressman had surgery to remove a small cancerous tumor found in his tonsil. He is expected to remain at George Washington University Hospital for the next several days as a part of the normal recovery process. Later in the week, the Congressman is expected to continue his recovery at home.

The spokesman said that the Congressman was thankful to have caught his cancer diagnosis early and appreciates the care of his great team of doctors. The congressman also announced via his spokesperson that he would miss proceedings in the U.S. House of Representatives as a result of his surgery and recovery time.

To keep his constituents informed of his positions, the congressman made a plan to submit written statements for the record to the House Clerk for any missed recorded votes. Both the district office and the office in Washington, D.C. remain open and able to assist constituents.

“The Congressman, his wife Jennifer and the Kildee family have been touched by all the kind notes and well wishes since his diagnosis," Rivard said. "The Congressman thanks his constituents and colleagues in Congress for their continued support.”

Kildee is the co-chair of the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee at present. He also serves on the highly influential House Committee on Ways and Means.

In 2013, he succeeded his uncle, former Representative Dale Kildee (D-Michigan), in the House of Representatives. The Republican majority in the House is 222-212, which is identical to the Democratic majority in the previous Congress.

Kildee's absence, comparable to that of Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) for treatment of a different strain of cancer, will not affect the operation of the chamber.

This is in contrast to the Senate, which is only controlled by Democrats by a 51-49 margin. This means that a single absence affords Republicans the opportunity to obstruct the nominations and legislative initiatives of President Joe Biden. Sen. Dianne Feinstein's (D-CA) prolonged absence has paralyzed the Senate Judiciary Committee, prompting demands for her resignation as Biden's judicial nominees languish.

Written By:
Charlotte Tyler

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