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 August 26, 2023

Rep. Bice urges Energy secretary to withdraw new ceiling fan standards

It doesn't seem as if even a week passes before President Joe Biden's Energy Department announces it's coming after another common appliance in U.S. households. 

"Their latest attempt at tackling the ceiling fan industry drew fierce pushback from the public and from top lawmakers, including Rep. Stephanie Bice (R-OK), who called new ceiling fan efficiency requirements "unconscionable."

According to the Washington Examiner, Granholm and the Energy Department proposed new ceiling fan standards earlier this year that they claim would save on electricity costs for U.S. households.

The estimated lifetime -- yes, lifetime -- savings would average $39.84 per family.

Such changes would also force countless ceiling fan makers to spend more money on materials, raising the prices of the fans, and perhaps putting the common ceiling fan out of touch for the struggling American family.

The Examiner noted:

According to the rule, the new fans would save households a lifetime average of $39.84. However, the increased cost of the proposed standards for ceiling fans on manufactures is estimated to be "$86.6 million per year in increased equipment costs." But, "the estimated annual benefits are $281.1 million from reduced equipment operating costs."

Bice, in a request to Granholm that the Energy Department to withdraw the new efficiency standards, pointed to the urgent necessity of Americans to have access to simple, affordable ways to cool their homes, especially in states like hers, where summers are brutally hot.

"We are currently in a period of hot summer weather but also a time of high inflation," Bice writes in her letter.

She added, "It is unconscionable that your department would seek to limit the options of the American people to stay cool in their own homes at a time like this."

Granholm was also recently urged to toss the new standards by the Republican members of the House Small Business Committee, who argue that it would cause smaller fan manufacturers to go out of business.

"This rule would require numerous small business fan manufacturers to redesign their products and may put between 10 and 30 percent of small business ceiling fan manufacturers out of business," the committee wrote.

Granholm and the Biden administration were widely ridiculed over the new standards, which came on the heels of the administration pushing gas stove bans.

Only time will tell if the Biden administration will ever focus on issues that really affect American households, such as the price of groceries and gasoline.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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