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By Mae Slater on
 June 27, 2024

Reality Star Julie Chrisley's Sentence Vacated By Appeals Court

Julie Chrisley, a famous reality TV star, achieved a significant legal triumph when her prison sentence was overturned by an appeals court on Friday.

Fox News reported that although the convictions for both Julie and her husband, Todd Chrisley, were upheld, the court found a legal error in calculating Julie's sentence, which requires a re-evaluation.

The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals vacated Julie Chrisley's initial sentencing for bank fraud and tax evasion. This decision comes after a thorough review by a panel of three judges.

Chrisley, along with her husband Todd, had faced various charges, including conspiring to defraud community banks out of more than $30 million and conspiring to defraud the IRS.

Legal Error Leads to Reevaluation

The appeals court identified a legal error in the calculations used to determine Julie Chrisley's prison time. As a result, her case was sent back to a lower court for a re-evaluation based on a narrowly defined issue. Despite this victory, both Julie and Todd's convictions remain intact.

In November 2022, the Chrisleys faced trial and were found guilty of several charges. These included conspiracy to commit bank fraud, bank fraud, tax fraud, conspiracy to defraud the United States, wire fraud, and obstruction of justice. During the trial, it was alleged that they had submitted fake documents when applying for loans.

Prosecutors from the United States Attorneys' Office, represented by Annalise Peters, argued that the evidence against the Chrisleys was overwhelming. This included Julie Chrisley submitting false credit reports and fake bank statements for renting a house.

Initially, Todd Chrisley was sentenced to 12 years in prison. However, his sentence was reduced by two years following further judicial review. Todd Chrisley is currently serving his sentence at the Federal Prison Camp Pensacola, a minimum security facility.

Julie Chrisley was initially sentenced to seven years in prison. Her sentence was later reduced by 14 months in September 2023. She is serving her sentence at a satellite minimum security camp at the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) facility in Lexington.

Alex Little, the Chrisleys' lawyer, expressed mixed feelings about the court's decision. "We’re pleased that the Court agreed that Julie’s sentence was improper," he said. However, he also shared disappointment regarding Todd's appeal being rejected. Little further mentioned that the Chrisley family remains hopeful for more positive outcomes in the future.

Awaiting Re-evaluation of The Chrisley's Sentence

Following the appeals court's decision, a lower court will now re-evaluate Julie Chrisley's sentence. This re-evaluation will address a specific legal error related to how her sentencing was originally calculated.

Both Julie and Todd Chrisley were found guilty of conspiring to defraud financial institutions and the IRS. Their fraudulent activities included creating fake documents and misleading financial information to secure loans and evade taxes.

The Chrisleys' former accountant, Peter Tarantino, was also implicated. He received a three-year prison sentence for willfully filing false tax returns. Despite attempts to challenge the evidence, it was upheld by Annalise Peters, who stated that no compelling prejudice resulted from the trial proceedings.

Back in 2019, the Georgia Department of Revenue investigated the Chrisleys for a $2 million state tax evasion charge. This investigation concluded with the agency clearing the Chrisleys of those charges, reducing their overall outstanding debt to under $110,000.

Upon completing their prison sentences, both Julie and Todd Chrisley are required to serve 16 months of probation. This probation period will follow their time in federal prison and will be closely monitored by legal authorities.

The Chrisleys' legal saga continues to draw attention as they navigate the complexities of their convictions and sentences. Julie Chrisley’s legal battle is far from over, with her sentencing due for re-evaluation by a lower court. The outcome remains to be seen as both Julie and Todd serve their respective sentences.

In conclusion, while the Chrisleys face a series of legal challenges, recent developments provide a mixed bag of outcomes. Julie's latest victory in having her sentence vacated offers a glimmer of hope, but the couple’s convictions remain a significant aspect of their ongoing legal journey.


The story of Julie Chrisley having her prison sentence vacated by an appeals court while maintaining the convictions against both her and Todd Chrisley encompasses various legal facets.

The identification of a legal error, the sustained convictions, the complicated background of their fraudulent activities, and the involvement of their accountant highlight the intricacies of this high-profile case.

As the Chrisleys continue to serve their sentences and await further legal proceedings, their journey through the judicial system remains a critical point of public interest.

Written By:
Mae Slater

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