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By Mae Slater on
 February 18, 2024

Putin's rival Alexei Navalny's body disappears from morgue, protests around the nation ignite

The mysterious disappearance of Alexei Navalny's body from the morgue has plunged Russia into a state of unrest.

The sudden death of the prominent Russian opposition leader and the missing status of his body have led to widespread vigils and protests across the country.

The Daily Mail reported that the circumstances surrounding Navalny's death are shrouded in suspicion and ambiguity. Navalny, known for his fierce criticism of the Kremlin, has been a thorn in the side of the Russian government for years. His unexpected death and the subsequent disappearance of his body have only added to the intrigue and speculation about foul play.

Details Emerge from the IK-3 Penal Colony

The situation began to unfold when Navalny's mother arrived at the IK-3 Polar Wolf penal colony on the morning of the report. She was joined by Navalny's lawyer the following day in Salekhard, seeking answers about her son's fate.

Upon contacting the morgue, they were informed that Alexei's body was not present, directly contradicting the prison's previous claims. This revelation has raised serious questions about the whereabouts of Navalny's remains and the transparency of the authorities involved.

Family and Supporters Demand Answers

Kira Yarmysh, Navalny's spokesperson, confirmed the tragic news of his passing and revealed that his body was allegedly with investigators. She demanded the immediate release of Navalny's body to his family, a plea that has echoed across Russia and beyond.

"The killers want to cover their tracks and are therefore not handing over Alexei's body, hiding it even from his mother," stated Yarmysh, indicating a deliberate attempt to obscure the details of Navalny's death. This has led to speculation of a cover-up, intensifying the calls for justice and transparency.

Protests Ignite Across Russia

The news of Navalny's death has ignited a wave of protests and vigils throughout Russia, with citizens mourning the loss of one of Putin's most vocal critics. The gatherings, however, have been met with a strong police response, particularly in Moscow where 15 arrests were made.

This crackdown has only fueled the determination of Navalny's supporters, who see the state's aggressive response as indicative of its fear of dissent and the truth coming to light. The protests serve not only as a tribute to Navalny but also as a statement against the Russian government's oppressive tactics.

The International Community Watches Closely

The international community has watched the unfolding events with concern, as Navalny's death represents a significant moment in Russian politics and civil society. The disappearance of his body, the subsequent protests, and the government's response are seen as a litmus test for the state of democracy and human rights in Russia.

The demand for an investigation into Navalny's death and the whereabouts of his body has transcended national borders, with global leaders calling for transparency and accountability from the Russian government. The implications of this case are far-reaching, affecting not only domestic politics but also Russia's relations with the rest of the world.


In conclusion, the death of Alexei Navalny under suspicious circumstances and the disappearance of his body have sparked a significant outcry across Russia. The events have unfolded as follows:

  • Alexei Navalny's body has mysteriously gone missing from the morgue.
  • Navalny's mother and lawyer's attempts to locate his body have been met with contradictions and obfuscations from authorities.
  • Widespread protests and vigils have erupted across Russia, met with police crackdowns and arrests.
  • The international community has expressed concern and called for accountability.
Written By:
Mae Slater

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