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 October 6, 2023

Prosecutors drop gun charge against Hunter Biden stemming from 2018 handgun purchase

Prosecutors have dropped one of the gun charges against Hunter Biden that stemmed from a 2018 firearm purchase, Breitbart reported. It is a procedural move but brings President Joe Biden's son one step closer to the sweetheart deal previously struck.

Prosecutors allege that Hunter Biden lied on the application when he purchased the firearm. The law prohibited him from owning a gun as a drug user, which has resulted in stacked charges.

In this procedural move, Special Counsel David Weiss removed one of the charges, but Hunter Biden will still face others in connection with the purchase. He also is accused of tax crimes and will face a three-count indictment.

Previously, he was offered a sweetheart deal that would have resulted in no jail time despite the felony charges. That deal fell apart in court for being so egregiously lenient, forcing Hunter Biden to face the possibility of a trial after all.

However, his attorney, Abbe Lowell, asserted that the previous plea deal should remain in effect. Lowell further argued that barring drug addicts from owning firearms is unconstitutional.

On Tuesday, Biden's team informed U.S. Magistrate Judge Christopher Burke that they would be seeking to have the case dismissed. The judge said the deadline to file the motion is November 3.

These charges only scratch the surface of the alleged criminal activity involving Hunter, Joe, and the rest of the Biden family, Fox News reported. The House Oversight Committee is conducting an impeachment inquiry against the president to find out the extent of it.

In the course of the investigation, committee chairman James Comer said they've uncovered a "mountain of evidence" against Joe Biden that proves he's been using his position in public office to benefit him and his family, including Hunter Biden. The tangled web of influence peddling and corruption is beginning to unravel.

The most shocking claim is that they received bribes and kickbacks from foreign entities. "The bottom line is that the committee has shown the Bidens alone brought in over $15 million in their foreign influence peddling, over $24 million if you account for their associate's earnings from the schemes," Comer claimed.

"We have established in the first phase of this investigation where this money has come from Ukraine, Romania, Russia, Kazakhstan, China; it didn't come from selling anything legitimate. It largely went unreported to the IRS," Comer added.

"It was funneled through shell companies and third parties to hide the Bidens' fingerprints," he continued. "This deserves investigation," Comer said.

"This deserves accountability. The American people expect this committee to investigate public corruption," he continued.

Comer has promised to follow the money wherever it leads. "Now we know much of the money goes. Hunter Biden, Haley Biden, James Biden, Sarah Biden, other Biden family members, and their business entities," Comer said and pledged to find where the trail of alleged corruption ends up.

Weiss is attempting to give Hunter Biden a slap on the wrist by going after these relatively mild charges in hopes that it will be enough to placate his enemies. However, Republicans are not about to let this go, as there is too much evidence to ignore.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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