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 June 17, 2023

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle's media company splits with Spotify

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, just separated from a $25 million content deal with music streaming giant Spotify.

According to Fox News, the deal between Archewell Audio, the couple's media company, and Spotify, was canceled after only 12 episodes of a Podcast series called "Archetypes."

The two former royals made headlines in 2020 when they inked the massive deal, and the promise involved a number of podcasts and series, of which the couple fell short.

Fox News noted:

The series premiered in August with tennis great Serena Williams as a guest. It became an instant hit, topping Spotify charts in seven countries, including the U.S. and U.K. It won the podcast award at the People’s Choice Awards last year. Markle was also named a digital media national winner for the 48th Annual Gracie Awards in December.

"I loved digging my hands into the process, sitting up late at night in bed, working on the writing and creative," Markle, 41, said at the time she produced the series.

She added: "And I loved digging deep into meaningful conversations with my diverse and inspiring guests, laughing and learning with them, and with each of you listening."

Many of those guests included a list of celebrity friends, including Mariah Carey, Paris Hilton and Mindy Kaling, among others.

A joint statement was issued to the media regarding the cancellation.

Spotify and Archewell Audio have mutually agreed to part ways and are proud of the series we made together," the joint statement from Archewell Media and Spotify read.

Some in the industry believe there's much more than meets the eye as far as the true reason why the two entities broke up.

Others believe it was a strategic cost-cutting move by Spotify, which like many other tech companies, are not doing well financially right now.

Only time will tell if the truth is revealed, but given that Harry and Meghan only produced a fraction of the content of which their deal with Spotify required, it's not a surprise that the company would start with them in a measure to trim the proverbial fat.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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