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 September 7, 2023

Philadelphia police commissioner resigns as Democrat-run city spirals out of control

Philadelphia’s appropriately named Police Commissioner, Danielle Outlaw, announced that she would be resigning her position at the end of this month.

Fox 29 reported "Outlaw is set to leave the police force before the end of the month," bringing an end to three years of service as the Commissioner as Philadelphia continues to spiral out of control.

Outlaw stated, "It has been my honor and privilege to serve during Mayor Kenney’s administration and alongside each member of the Philadelphia Police Department. The hard work, resilience, and professionalism of our force is truly commendable."

Although it is unlikely that Outlaw would admit it, it is likely her resignation was heavily pushed by the rising gun violence and drug epidemic for which city leadership seemingly has no answer for.

The city is lost

Philadelphia is another tragic story of a great American city run into the ground by terrible leaders more concerned with power than representing their citizens.

Breitbart News reported on the violence gripping Philadelphia saying, "Philadelphia’s Office of Controller pointed out there have been 270 homicides in the city thus far in 2023. Nearly 250 of those homicide victims were killed with guns."

The City of Brotherly Love certainly isn't deserving of that name as there are hundreds of homicides and other violent crimes have been steadily on the rise.

Philadelphia is also in the grips of a horrible drug epidemic thanks to the widespread use of  tranq — also known as Xylazine, which is a powerful sedative used by veterinarians.

Unfortunately, Xylazine induces a "zombie-like" stupor in users and can even lead to necrosis and rotting of user's flesh which often necessitates amputations.

Philadelphia's leadership has seemingly had no answers, although they are trying a new permanent under-18 curfew, but that seems unlikely to solve their issues.

A better move would be to deal with the Philadelphia Police Department's officer shortage, but so far the city's leaders have failed to do that.

Failed leadership

Mayor Jim Kenney is a Democrat and the the 16-seat Philadelphia city council is led by an overwhelming majority of thirteen Democrats to just two Republicans.

So there is no denying that Democrats are running Philadelphia and they are running it straight over a cliff.

Police Commissioner Outlaw's resignation combined with the rising out of control crime wave indicates that it is time for new leadership in the City of Brotherly Lover. However, it seems unlikely that the people of Philadelphia will realize that and will continue to suffer under failing leaders.

Written By:
Robert Hoel

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