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 May 14, 2024

Pentagon Officer Resigns Over U.S. Support Of Israel Against Terrorists

Maj. Harrison Mann, an Army officer from the Defense Intelligence Agency, has publicly resigned in protest over what he describes as distressing U.S. policies regarding Israel's ongoing military actions in Gaza.

The Hill reported that Mann's resignation is another reminder that there is a furious debate within U.S. governmental bodies concerning the Israel-Hamas conflict as the Biden administration splits between radicals and more centrist Democrats.

On November 1, Maj. Mann finalized his decision to resign, a move precipitated by his inner turmoil over the United States' role in the Israel-Gaza conflict. This resignation was not made public until recently, when Mann shared the details on LinkedIn after it had circulated internally at the Defense Intelligence Agency since April 16.

Mann, who has specialized in the Middle East and Africa for over six years, including a tenure at the U.S. Embassy in Tunis, expressed that his work no longer aligns with his personal ethics.

His professional expertise contributed to operations that, he argues, facilitated severe consequences for Palestinian civilians.

Major Challenges U.S. Policy on Israel

In his public statements, Mann has been vocal about his criticism of the U.S. government’s nearly unconditional support for Israel.

He connects this support directly to significant Palestinian suffering, suggesting that such backing has resulted in “the killing and starvation of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians.”

Mann joins other figures such as Josh Paul from the State Department and Tariq Habash from the Department of Education, who have also resigned citing similar concerns.

This pattern of resignation reflects a significant divergence in viewpoints regarding the ethical foundations of U.S. foreign policy, particularly about the Israel-Hamas war.

Mann’s departure is emblematic of the building rift that threatens to tear the Democrat Party apart. President Biden is trying to keep the party united but that task is becoming increasingly difficult.

Rising Civilian Casualties Spark Internal Dissent

Mann cited thousands of deaths in Palestine, a figure that is heavily debated. Mann and other pro-Palestinian figures have been using unreliable numbers from the UN and other NGOs that have often proven inaccurate.

A recent State Department review presented to Congress echoed these concerns, highlighting “serious concerns” regarding Israel’s commitment to international humanitarian law.

These revelations about the depth of internal strife within the U.S. government regarding Israel reflect not only on individual conscience but also on the broader political ramifications of foreign policy decisions.

Personal Testimonies Reflect Broader Ethical Crisis

"The past months have presented us with the most horrific and heartbreaking images imaginable," Mann stated.

He described how the widespread media coverage of the conflict’s devastating human toll contributed to his profound sense of guilt and shame, linking the scenes of suffering directly to his work at the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Mann admitted that although every government officer joins knowing that they may have to support policies they aren't fully convinced of, there comes a point where the moral line is crossed. "At some point — whatever the justification — you’re either advancing a system that enables the mass starvation of children, or you’re not," he explained.

His resignation, therefore, is not just a personal decision but a denouncement of what he views as complicity in a morally reprehensible scheme. However, it's interesting that Mann had nothing to say about the barbaric terrorist attack on Israel that led to the deaths of thousands.

It's entirely possible that Mann is another delusional radical who is falling for propaganda from a terrorist state that is responsible for one of the most horrific war crimes in recent years.

Conclusion: A Call for Ethical Reevaluation

In sum, the resignation of Maj. Harrison Mann highlights a critical and growing dissonance within the ranks of U.S. policymakers regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict. His departure is a potent reminder of the ethical quandaries faced by those at the nexus of intelligence and military operations.

As the civilian death toll mounts and other officials step down, there emerges a pressing need for a thorough reassessment of U.S. foreign policy strategies, particularly those influencing regions embroiled in protracted conflicts. The ethical implications of such policies are too significant to ignore, and they demand immediate, conscientious engagement from all sectors of government.

Written By:
Christina Davie

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