September 26, 2024

Pelosi Snaps At CNN Host for Talking About Trump Attacks On Kamala Harris, Visibly Irritated In Interview

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi took a strong stance during a live CNN broadcast, admonishing host Jake Tapper for bringing up comments made by former President Donald Trump about Vice President Kamala Harris.

The Daily Mail reported that Pelosi snapped at Tapper when he mentioned Trump’s recent remarks concerning Harris’s cognitive abilities, calling the discussion inappropriate.

Tapper had begun to address Trump’s comments, which were made during a rally in Georgia, where Trump suggested that Harris had greater cognitive problems than President Joe Biden.

Pelosi, however, was quick to intervene, questioning why Trump’s statements were even being discussed. “Why would you even cover that?” she asked, visibly irritated. Interestingly, Pelosi didn't offer up a refutation of Trump's attacks but settled for silencing Tapper.

Furthermore, liberal outlets have no problem platforming people like Mary Trump who recently went on a tirade claiming her uncle was afflicted by multiple mental diseases without providing a shred of proof. So Pelosi's irritation just doesn't make any sense considering how the mainstream media operates.

Trump’s Claims Spark Pelosi’s Backlash

The former president had previously accused Biden of being too old for office and mentally unfit, but his comments about Harris during the Georgia rally went further.

Trump suggested that world leaders were mocking the U.S. because of Harris’s position, claiming that they were “laughing at us.” He added, “You know what they’re really laughing at? Kamala.”

Trump, however, did not offer any specifics as to what he meant by Harris’s cognitive state being worse than Biden’s. This latest attack appeared to be part of a broader strategy by Trump to undermine the Democratic leadership, as his campaign had increasingly focused on questions of age and mental acuity.

Pelosi firmly pushed back on the line of questioning, calling Trump’s comments “silliness” and “weirdness.” She went further, describing Trump as “not on the level” and labeling him “incompetent.”

Pelosi isn't afraid to make personal remarks about Trump in any capacity but acts outraged when CNN even discusses what Trump says.

Pelosi Defends Harris

Pelosi’s frustration appeared to stem from what she saw as a sexist undertone to Trump’s comments. She called his remarks an “assault on women” and dismissed his rhetoric as part of a broader effort to demean Harris because of her gender.

The timing of Trump’s statements is significant. With the 2024 election season in full swing, both Biden and Harris have faced increasing scrutiny, with their opponents questioning their physical and mental fitness. While Biden had already withdrawn from the race, some of Trump’s criticisms now seem focused on Harris, who remains at the center of the Democratic ticket as Vice President Kamala Harris seeks the presidency.

Despite Trump’s sharp rhetoric, Pelosi stood firm in her defense of Harris, steering the conversation away from Trump’s attacks and focusing instead on what she viewed as the irrelevance of his comments.

The former president’s remarks about Harris were made during a campaign rally in Georgia, where he sought to energize his base. Trump told the crowd that “all over the world they’re laughing at us,” referring to Harris. He claimed that world leaders were astonished that she might become president, a notion that he said they found absurd.

“They can’t believe that she’s really going to be president,” Trump added, driving home his argument. He continued by asserting that Harris had more severe cognitive issues than Biden, although he stopped short of detailing what specific issues he was referring to.

Tapper had introduced the topic during his interview with Pelosi, repeating a portion of Trump’s comments about Harris. Before Tapper could fully articulate his question, however, Pelosi interjected.

Pelosi Rejects Discussion of Trump’s Attacks

Pelosi questioned why CNN would even give airtime to Trump’s attacks, calling his remarks an unnecessary distraction. “Why would you even cover that?” she asked, directing her frustration at Tapper’s decision to raise the topic.

Throughout the interview, Pelosi maintained that Trump’s comments were not only inaccurate but also a reflection of a broader issue—what she described as a pattern of sexist attacks aimed at women in leadership.

This is not the first time Trump has targeted the cognitive abilities of his political rivals. Throughout Biden’s presidency, Trump had repeatedly questioned his fitness for office, using both rallies and social media to argue that Biden was too old and mentally unfit to serve.

Trump was eventually proven right when he trashed Biden so badly in the presidential debate that Biden was forced out by Pelosi and the rest of the Democrat Party.

Earlier this year, a report from the Department of Justice had lent some credence to these claims, noting that Biden exhibited signs of aging, including a “poor memory.”

Since Biden’s exit from the presidential race, Democrats have turned Trump’s age-related attacks back on him, arguing that the former president himself is too old and mentally unfit for office. Trump’s remarks about Harris appear to follow a similar line of argument but with a particular focus on gender.

Written By:
Christina Davie

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