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 February 4, 2024

Pelosi 'doubles down' on claim she made about pro-Palestine protestors

U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is refusing to back away from her claim that Russia could be supporting some of the pro-Palestine protests that we have seen here in America. 

Pelosi "doubled down" on her claim in a recent interview with the San Francisco Chronicle.

Before we get to what Pelosi said in the interview, however, it could be helpful to put the interview into context.

While there are many Democrats who have supported Israel in its ongoing conflict with Palestine, there are many others who have supported Palestine. We have even seen some of these supporters hold large pro-Palestinian protests in various parts of the country.

Pelosi, for her part, has sought to align herself with Israel, although she has not completely dismissed the pro-Palestinian members of her party.

The reason why is obvious - Pelosi wants all Democrats to vote for President Joe Biden in November, and, at the moment, there is a serious concern that Biden, given his support of Israel, could lose pro-Palestinian Democrats and thus a significant number of votes.

In a recent interview with NBC News, Pelosi attempted to straddle the fence on this issue.

The former House speaker said:

I’ve been the recipient of [pro-Palestinian Americans'] exuberance as recently as in Seattle on Thursday, unfortunately, wanting to disrupt our very exciting Democratic meeting there. They are in front of my house all the time. I have a feeling for what feelings they have. We have to think about what we’re doing. What we have to do is try to stop the suffering in Gaza.

Pelosi, however, went on to blast pro-Palestinian Americans for calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war. Pelosi even suggested that Russia could be behind these pro-Palestian protests, and she called for the FBI to investigate the situation.

Unsurprisingly, Pelosi has faced criticism from within her own party for these remarks, which leads us to Pelosi's recent interview with the Chronicle. There, as stated, Pelosi stood by her call for an investigation.

"This isn’t about investigating protesters, but it is about the funding, and it’s about the funding in our elections. It is about money in politics — in government — from Russia, from other countries," Pelosi said.

Pelosi didn't stop there. She continued with a familiar refrain.

"Who benefits for (President) Joe Biden to be taking a beating from these crowds that he’s only supported all along? … (Former President Donald Trump) and his friend Vladimir Putin," she said.

Pelosi was adamant that she does not "care" about the criticism that she has been receiving. She said that all she cares about is finding out "where that money is coming from" for the pro-Palestinian protests.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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