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 September 5, 2023

Overwhelming majority of Americans agree Biden 'too old' for second term

An overwhelming majority of voters agree that President Joe Biden is too old to serve another term, according to a Wall Street Journal poll.

The poll found that 73% of registered voters believe that Biden is too old to serve in the White House for another four years.

The details

"Former President Trump, only three years younger at 77, rated more favorably when respondents were asked the same question, with 47 percent of those polled indicating Trump’s age is an issue," the Hill reported.

"One of Biden’s biggest struggles in the 2024 presidential race is his age. At 80 now, he would be 86 at the end of his next term if reelected," it continued.

Not alone

Another recent poll by the Associated Press-NORC found an even higher percentage of Americans agreeing to the question about Biden's age.

"An eye-popping 77% of Americans feel that President Biden is too old to effectively govern if he wins a second term in office, according to a new survey," the New York Post reported.

"Misgivings about the octogenarian’s age were shared across the board, with 89% of Republicans concerned about Biden’s age hindering a second term and 69% of Democrats feeling the same way," it added.

Democrats agree

"A majority of Americans, including nearly 70% of Democrats, think President Joe Biden is too old for another term as president, a new poll found," the Daily Wire noted regarding the Associated Press poll.

"Only 22% of voters said Biden is not too old for another presidential term," it added, emphasizing the low percentage of Americans favorable toward another Biden term.

Biden is already the nation's oldest serving president at the age of 80. However, many are also concerned at what would happen if he could not complete his term, leaving the White House in the hands of Vice President Kamala Harris.

The polls also come as rumors of additional Democratic primary candidates considering a 2024 run grow, expressing the party's concern with Biden running in a potential rematch against former President Donald Trump as the former president's poll number rise despite his multiple indictments.

Written By:
Dillon Burroughs

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