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 September 24, 2023

Newsom vetoes bill that would require parents to 'affirm' child's gender ID in custody hearings

Woke, California Democrats have a bone to pick with California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), who usually sides with the lunatic radicals on the left on most issues. 

California has become so whacky that a recent bill was passed that required parents to "affirm" their child's gender identity in child custody cases before a judge, which would then be taken into consideration before custody was awarded one way or the other.

According to Fox News, Newsom vetoed the bill, shocking many in the state who would have never thought he'd express a glimpse of logical thought.

Fox News described the original bill:

AB 957 originally proposed that courts deciding custody cases must consider whether each parent affirmed the child's gender identity. An amendment in June added a parent's affirmation of their child's gender identity to the state's standard of what constitutes parental responsibility in a court of law for providing for "the health, safety, and welfare of the child."

The bill was originally introduced by Democrat Assemblywoman Lori Wilson (D).

The California legislature passed the bill earlier this month without much trouble, unsurprisingly. It was then sent to Newsom's desk for a signature, which many thought would be no problem at all.

Newsom, in vetoing the bill, attempted to cover his tracks with the woke gender crowd, saying he appreciated the "passion and values" that led the state congresswoman to introduce the bill, but ultimately decided against signing it.

"That said, I urge caution when the Executive and Legislative branches of state government attempt to dictate -in prescriptive terms that single out one characteristic -legal standards for the Judicial branch to apply," Newsom wrote. "Other-minded elected officials, in California and other states, could very well use this strategy to diminish the civil rights of vulnerable communities."

"Moreover, a court, under existing law, is required to consider a child's health, safety, and welfare when determining the best interests of a child in these proceedings, including the parent's affirmation of the child's gender identity," he continued.

Wilson and other California Democrats were not happy with the governor's decision to veto the bill. Wilson released a statement after the decision to kill the bill.

"I am extremely disappointed. I know the Governor's record. He's been a champion for the LGBTQ+ community for years and even before it was popular to do so," she said.

Some on social media said the veto was purely a political move in an attempt to make Newsom look a bit more "moderate" as a potential Democratic presidential candidate, should President Joe Biden drop out or be pushed out of the race.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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