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 August 30, 2023

Newsmax host Greg Kelly teases impending release of 'incriminating' audio recording of Biden that could end presidency

A rumor is circulating that indisputable evidence of wrongdoing by President Joe Biden will soon be publicly revealed with likely catastrophic results for his administration and presidency.

On Monday, Newsmax host Greg Kelly teased the impending release within the next two months of what he says is at least one audio recording that is "incriminating" and worrisome to the White House, according to the Western Journal.

"Incontrovertible evidence of Joe Biden's corruption"

During his Monday program, Kelly said, "There is an audio tape, I am told by people in the know -- not necessarily in government, not necessarily out of government, I can't say too much -- but there is incontrovertible evidence of Joe Biden's corruption that is about to be made public."

"It’s not gonna happen tomorrow. It’s not gonna happen before Labor Day, but it will happen sometime between Labor Day and Halloween," he continued. "This tape will be made public. I'm not sure by what entity at this point, but once it is heard Joe Biden will have, well, only two options."

"Number one, he will not be able to remain a candidate for the presidency for re-election. It will be over and done with. The only thing he might be able to do, potentially, but probably not, is remain as president," Kelly asserted. "I am told this tape is that incriminating, and they’re worried about it right now at the White House. They know about it, they know it's out there, there may be more than one."

"It's gonna blow the lid off" Biden's presidency

Kelly went on to reference President Biden's advanced age and lengthy career and suggested, as he held aloft his smartphone, "I don’t think he realizes that everybody in the world -- everybody -- has a tape recorder in their pocket."

He also noted the tendency of people from "Eastern Europe" -- whom Hunter Biden often did business with, such as in Ukraine -- to record virtually everything, but especially matters pertaining to business. As an example, he shared an audio clip of a 2016 between then-Vice President Biden and then-Ukraine President Poroshenko, believed to have been recorded by Poroshenko, in which the firing of the Ukrainian general prosecutor at Biden's urging was discussed.

"There have to be more tapes. There just have to be, and I am told that there is one and it's gonna blow the lid off the Biden administration and probably bring it down forever," Kelly added.

Rumor could be in reference to Burisma CEO Zlochevsky

Though Kelly declined to speculate further about the origin or content of the supposedly damning audio recording that will incriminate President Biden and end his presidency, the Western Journal suggested that the odds were good that it involved a Ukrainian national and was in relation to Hunter Biden's lucrative employment on the board of Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings during his father's vice presidency.

That possibility stems directly from an unverified and largely unredacted FBI FD-1023 form that was recently shared with the public by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), by way of unnamed whistleblowers, after the FBI attempted to stonewall congressional inquiries into the matter and only provided a heavily redacted version of the document, according to Fox News.

The document chronicled the recollections of multiple discussions between a "highly credible" informant and Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky and contained allegations that Zlochevsky had been "coerced" to allow Hunter to sit on the board and paid millions of dollars in bribes to the Bidens for help ending the Ukrainian general prosecutor's investigation of the company.

Zlochevsky claimed he kept audio recordings of Bidens

Among the several important takeaways from that document were the claims from Zlochevsky that he had kept evidence as proof of his interactions with the Bidens, including text messages and documents that are believed to be wire transfer statements and bank records.

The Burisma CEO also claimed to have possession of "a total of 17 recordings" that included 15 recordings of conversations with Hunter and two conversations with Joe that detail the bribes he paid them to get the prosecutor fired -- and it may well be one or more of those recordings that could soon be publicly released and bring an ignominious end to the president's political career.

Written By:
Benjamin Clark

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