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 August 26, 2023

New York Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul blames Joe Biden for immigration crisis

New York Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul released a video Thursday blaming the federal government and President Joe Biden's administration for the crippling illegal immigration in her state, Townhall reported. New York is a so-called "sanctuary state" that welcomes illegal immigrants with open arms.

In her appeal, Hochul rightly identified that the blame for the problem begins and ends with Biden and the government. However, the solutions she proposed, which include asking Biden to remove the barriers to illegals being able to work, are precisely what created the problem in the first place.

The governor claimed that the administration hasn't made "much-needed changes at the border" and that "there does not appear to be a solution to this federal problem any time soon." Hochul was right on both accounts, but not for the reasons she thinks.

"This crisis originated with the federal government, and it must be resolved through the federal government," she continued. Instead of pushing for the things that stem the influx of illegal immigrants, like securing the border and deporting those found to be in the nation illegally, Hochul went on to propose a new form of amnesty that would remove barriers to work for illegal immigrants.

"Since July of 2022, in our first meeting with the president, [New York City] Mayor [Eric] Adams and I have championed the idea of a federal designation that would allow the individuals already here in New York the ability to work, to support themselves and their families," Hochul said. "What we've said all along is just [illegal immigrants] work and help us out financially," she added.

"That's why today, I have sent a letter to President Biden, formally requesting immediate, executive action in four key areas," Hochul said. She said she would push for "expedited work authorization," which would mean giving them legal status to fill jobs but which could be used to justify later amnesty.

"Financial support for federal housing vouchers, schools, health care, legal services, case management, and shelter for us to provide to these asylum seekers. The use of more federal facilities to construct new temporary shelters," Hochul continued to list.

"And reimbursement for the cost of our National Guard, which have been on the ground at these shelters throughout the state since last year," she added. Hochul then went on to justify her appeal to allow illegal immigrants the right to work in her state.

"We have countless unfilled jobs that are begging for someone to just take them. So we need to do something. And here's what we can do," Hochul continued. "New Yorkers from across the state –Democrats and Republicans – have asked me for help placing these migrants into jobs, jobs that have gone unfilled for too long," she claimed.

"We are ready to act as soon as these migrants receive work authorization. But right now, because we've been waiting a very long time, the State Department of Labor will be launching a new program this September to immediately place asylum seekers in jobs just as soon as they're legally able to work," Hochul said.

Of course, she didn't mention that the types of jobs that go unfilled are the ones difficult to staff because of the low wages. Putting illegal immigrants into those jobs will only drive down wages and further compound the problem.

Still, Hochul touted her plan to destroy the labor market in her state. She also spoke about her appeal for "comprehensive immigration reform," which, to Democrats, means encouraging even more of it for the sake of "diversity and our inclusiveness" over all else.

"For me, the answer to these two crises, this humanitarian crisis and our workforce crisis is so crystal clear and common sense. Let them get the work authorizations. Let them work legally. Let them work," the governor said.

Hochul is another blue-state official suffering the consequences of years of policies that entice more people to come to the U.S. illegally. Instead of telling Biden enough is enough with newcomers, Hochul is again proposing actions that make things worse.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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