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By Mae Slater on
 June 9, 2024

New York AG Letitia James Sounds Alarm On Million Dollar Romance Scams

New Yorkers are increasingly falling victim to online romance scams, leading some to lose as much as $1 million in fraudulent investments, often in cryptocurrency.

The New York Post reported that fraudsters are utilizing dating apps, social media, and unsolicited texts to lure individuals into false investments, a method known colloquially as “pig butchering,” prompting a warning from State Attorney General Letitia James.

These deceptive schemes, aptly named "pig butchering," involve scammers establishing romantic or close personal relationships with their targets.

Over time, victims are persuaded to invest in what they believe are legitimate financial opportunities. These fraudulent activities often move to encrypted communication platforms like WhatsApp or WeChat after initial contact is made.

Using Technology to Exploit Love

Fraudsters frequently use modern technology to reach and exploit their victims. They often begin by connecting through popular dating apps, social media sites, or even unsolicited text messages. The initial conversations are designed to build trust and foster a sense of intimacy, leading the victims to feel secure about the suggested investments.

State Attorney General Letitia James has issued a warning concerning the noticeable increase in online romance scams in New York. According to James’ office, two-thirds of cryptocurrency-related complaints they handle are linked to these sophisticated scams.

Communication typically transitions from a public platform to secure, encrypted apps where the discussions about investments take place.

Victims of these scams have been deceived into depositing significant sums of money, ranging from tens of thousands to over $1 million, into fake investment platforms. The swindlers often present the investments as low-risk, high-reward opportunities, making them particularly appealing.

The impact on victims is profound, leading to severe emotional and financial distress. The fraudulent schemes have globally conned approximately $75 billion from investors, painting a grim picture of the widespread nature of these crimes.

State Attorney General Letitia James emphasized the importance of public awareness and vigilance. “New Yorkers who fall victim to these frauds should know they are not alone,” James stated, providing reassurance to those affected.

In one high-profile case from May, U.S. authorities charged two Chinese nationals with a cryptocurrency scam that laundered at least $73 million taken from unsuspecting victims. This case highlights the international scope of the problem and the challenges faced by law enforcement in tackling such well-organized crime rings.

A Call for Increased Awareness

The Attorney General's office has been working to increase public awareness about these types of scams. By informing the public about the tactics used by fraudsters, they hope to reduce the number of victims and the overall impact of these schemes.

Potential victims are advised to be skeptical of any investment opportunities presented through romantic connections and to verify the legitimacy of such proposals independently. It's recommended to seek advice from financial experts or to consult law enforcement if they suspect they are being targeted by scammers.

Fraudsters often deploy highly convincing methods to gain trust. After initial contact on dating platforms, they might manipulate conversations towards financial investments, portraying themselves as successful investors willing to share lucrative opportunities. This strategy exploits the emotional connection built with the victim, making the false promises of significant returns seem credible.

The surge in romance scams has prompted a strong response from legal and financial authorities. Efforts are being made to track and dismantle the networks behind these frauds, although the international nature of the crime poses significant challenges. These scammers often operate across borders, complicating prosecution and recovery efforts.

The Attorney General's office continues to encourage victims to step forward and report these crimes. By gathering more information, authorities aim to identify patterns and link incidents back to larger criminal organizations.

Affected individuals are urged not to feel ashamed or isolated. Many have fallen for these sophisticated schemes, and coming forward is crucial for both personal recovery and the broader fight against these crimes. Resources and support networks are available for those who need them.


Fraudsters exploiting the guise of romance to conduct deceptive schemes have become increasingly prevalent, prompting a public warning from State Attorney General Letitia James.

Through dating apps, social media, and unsolicited messages, scammers build trust and move conversations to encrypted platforms to convince victims to invest in bogus cryptocurrency ventures. The financial and emotional toll is significant, with cases continuing to surface globally. Authorities urge vigilance and proactive reporting to combat this sophisticated form of fraud.

Written By:
Mae Slater

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