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By Mae Slater on
 June 14, 2024

New York AG Letitia James Smacked Down In Lawsuit Against Donald Trump

New York Attorney General Letitia James' lawsuit against former President Donald Trump alleging real estate fraud faced a significant setback.

State Of The Union reported that the initial $454 million judgment was dramatically reduced on appeal, drawing criticism and raising questions about the political motivations and fairness of the trial.

In a high-profile case, New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a civil lawsuit against former President Donald Trump. The lawsuit accused Trump of committing fraudulent activities in his real estate business. An initial ruling hit Trump with a hefty $454 million judgment.

However, the judgment did not stand unchallenged. The hefty financial penalty was significantly reduced upon appeal, leading to a wave of reactions from various quarters.

In a bid to safeguard the original judgment, James attempted to circumvent the appeals process. She sought to prevent Trump from posting a $175 million bond, an action that a state judge firmly rebuffed.

Court Rebukes And Political Criticisms

The legal maneuverings were not without their consequences. The court's refusal to support James' actions led to public and critical scrutiny. Some legal observers branded the lawsuit as a "witch hunt," calling into question the integrity and fairness of the legal proceedings.

Among the critics was CNN legal analyst Eli Honig. Honig highlighted James' 2018 campaign strategy, noting that she explicitly promised voters that she would target Trump if elected. He emphasized that James had made it a point to repeatedly assure the public of her intentions against Trump.

"When you make statements like that, how can you say there’s no political angle to this?" Honig posed this crucial question to shine a light on the potential political motivations behind the lawsuit.

Further criticism came from Florida real estate titan Don Peebles. He argued that the case wouldn't have been brought forth if it had not involved Trump. He viewed the lawsuit as an anomaly, unprecedented in nature and scale.

Peebles also theorized that the legal challenges and the perception of bias might be benefitting Trump politically. "I think that is an example of why Trump continues to rise in the polls," Peebles said, attributing Trump's apparent martyrdom to the actions of his opponents.

The overarching theme of these criticisms tied back to the unique and high-profile nature of the case, elements that fueled speculation about political motivations behind the lawsuit.

The financial ramifications for Letitia James have also been significant. Tens of millions of dollars have been spent on the legal proceedings thus far. With the damages being reduced substantially, questions about the overall effectiveness and benefit of the lawsuit have emerged.

Additionally, the reputational damage for James could be considerable. The perceived politically motivated nature of her actions has sparked discussions about the appropriate use of judicial power for political ends.

The context of these actions plays a crucial role in understanding the broader implications. Given the intense scrutiny and the reduction of the judgment, the long-term impacts on both James' career and Trump's political trajectory remain to be seen.


Summarizing the series of events provides a comprehensive picture: New York Attorney General Letitia James' civil lawsuit against former President Donald Trump alleging real estate fraud resulted in an initial $454 million judgment.

This judgment was then significantly reduced on appeal, leading to allegations of political bias and questions about the fairness of the trial.

James' attempt to block Trump from posting a bond was rejected by a state judge, drawing further criticism. Observers have suggested that the case, viewed by some as politically driven, has bolstered Trump’s poll numbers, and the substantial financial costs and potential reputational damage for James highlight the complex nature of the legal and political interplay.

Written By:
Mae Slater

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