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 March 25, 2023

New poll puts Joe Biden's Democratic support at only 23%

U.S. President Joe Biden is now polling at 23% - not among the U.S. population as a whole, but among Democrats - members of his own party. 

The information comes from a new poll that has been published by McLaughlin & Associates.

The poll was taken between March 16 and March 20. 1,000 likely general election voters were surveyed. The pollster asked participants a number of questions both about the current state of affairs and the 2024 presidential election.

One question that was asked about the 2024 election was this:

"Thinking ahead to the 2024 Democratic primary election for President, if that election were held today among the following candidates, for whom would you vote? (Democrat Primary Voters)"

Here, Biden won with a plurality of 23%. That's the lowest percentage that Biden has received on this particular poll in recent months. In February, he received 26%. And, in January, he received 25%.

Second place (14%) went to former first lady Michell Obama. And, third place (6%) went to current Vice President Kamala Harris. So, Biden is still the favorite - just not by a lot.

One could contrast these results with the results the pollster received when it asked the same question to 2024 Republican Primary voters.

Here, former President Donald Trump clearly won the nomination with 46% of the vote. Second place (23%) went to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), and third place (5%) went to former Vice President Mike Pence.

So, based on the results of this poll, it is looking like 2024 might be another matchup between Biden and Trump. Who would win that matchup?

The McLaughlin & Associates poll has Trump winning by five percentage points: 48% to 43%.

Overall, in fact, things appear to be trending in Trump's favor, even though many - including many Republicans - have voiced skepticism about whether or not Trump is still a viable presidential candidate. McLaughlin & Associates poll - as well as many other polls - indicate that Trump is.

However many questions there are about Trump's viability, there are equally as many questions about Biden's viability as a presidential candidate. And, in contrast to Trump's, the questions about Biden's viability have to do with the lack of success of his administration.

For months now, there have been polls and reports indicating that the Democrats are not enthusiastically lining up behind Biden's reelection campaign. There have been multiple polls, in fact, in which a majority of Democratic voters have indicated that they do not want Biden to seek reelection.

The results of the McLaughlin & Associates poll would appear to be in line with these other polls.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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