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 December 5, 2023

New Mexico Supreme Court affirms lower court decision on murder conviction

A New Mexico man convicted of killing his ex's-boyfriend had his conviction confirmed by the state's Supreme Court.

The 2018 incident occurred when Inacio Galindo showed up at his ex-girlfriend's home and found her with another man.

The case

"In 2018, Ignacio Galindo shot Daniel Martinez at his ex-girlfriend’s home. The two had argued the day before," KRQE reported.

"Galindo claimed he was acting in self-defense and said Martinez pointed a gun at him first. However, the justices found the victim was entitled to defend the house so Galindo’s use of deadly force was not objectively reasonable. A judge denied Galindo’s appeal. He was sentenced to life in prison," it added.

The background

"Galindo, 38, was convicted of first degree murder, aggravated burglary, two counts of child abuse, two counts of tampering with evidence, aggravated stalking and use of a telephone to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy or offend," in 2020, according to Alamogordo Daily.

"He was also convicted of two counts of injuring or tampering with a motor vehicle in a 7-day jury trial in September," it continued.

The details

"Prosecutors said Galindo fatally shot Daniel Martinez on Aug. 17, 2018. The mother of two of Galindo’s children told authorities Galindo had been upset because she was in a romantic relationship with Martinez," KVIA reported.

"Investigators also said Galindo had sent cell phone messages saying 'he was going to teach someone a lesson, and that Daniel Martinez was going to be dead that day.' Detectives recovered the murder weapon which they said contained Galindo’s DNA on it," it noted.

The life sentence for first-degree murder is the strongest penalty available in the state.

The state's Supreme Court determined that the lower court did not make a mistake in the case despite a push by lawyers to help their client be freed or receive a reduced sentence following the renewed plea over multiple years in the case.

The family of the murdered woman is thankful to see justice upheld in the case, leaving the criminal behind bars over taking the life of someone they loved shortly after the couple had broken up.

Written By:
Dillon Burroughs

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