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 June 12, 2024

New Footage Reveals Pelosi Acknowledging Jan. 6 Security Lapses

Recent video footage sheds light on the Capitol's security failures during the Jan. 6 attack, revealing key details about the day's events.

Fox 5 News reported that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is seen discussing the security shortcomings and accepting responsibility in a newly released video.

On January 6, 2021, as the U.S. Capitol was besieged, a critical lapse in security unfolded. This newly released footage, captured by Nancy Pelosi's daughter Alexandra for an HBO documentary, offers a closer look at the events of the day.

The video highlights Pelosi evacuating the Capitol and lamenting the absence of the National Guard.

Documentary Footage Provides New Insights

In the heat of the moment, Pelosi was recorded expressing her concerns about the lack of preparedness. "We did not have any accountability for what was going on there ... and we should have. Why weren’t the National Guard there to begin with ... I take responsibility for not having them just prepare for more," Pelosi stated in the footage.

Despite the chaotic circumstances, the footage underscores a significant admission by Pelosi, who recognized her role in the oversight of Capitol security measures.

Following the video's release, reactions were swift. Pelosi appeared on MSNBC to denounce the Republicans' interpretation of the events. She accused them of attempting to rewrite the narrative of January 6, distancing former President Donald Trump from responsibility over the National Guard's delayed response.

"The former president of the United States and his toadies do not want to face the facts... They’re trying to do revisionist history on January 6," Pelosi remarked on the program.

Understanding the Chain of Command

It is important to note that the National Guard falls under the command of the President, not the House Speaker. Pelosi's role primarily involves oversight of the Capitol Police, not military forces. This detail highlights the complexities of security arrangements at the federal level.

Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund, who resigned after Pelosi demanded his departure, also featured in discussions surrounding the security preparations.

In a WJLA interview, Sund recalled his requests for National Guard assistance being rebuffed by both Congress and the Pentagon. "I don’t like the optics of the National Guard standing in line with the Capitol in the background. I was perplexed, I felt like am I really hearing what I think I’m hearing?” Sund recounted.

As debates continue, former President Trump has escalated his rhetoric, demanding the indictment of Jan. 6 Select Committee members. He accuses them of omitting critical information from their investigations and discussions about the events.

This accusation comes amid ongoing disputes about the roles different leaders and institutions played in the events leading up to and during the attack on the Capitol.

Impact of the Video on Public Perception

The release of this video is likely to fuel further debates over accountability and the narrative of January 6. With both sides of the aisle using the footage to support their respective arguments, the public's understanding of the events continues to evolve.

This development underscores the ongoing political and social repercussions of the Capitol attack, reflecting deep divisions within U.S. politics.

In conclusion, the new footage not only brings to light Nancy Pelosi’s acceptance of some level of responsibility for the security failures but also sparks further controversy over the interpretation of the events of January 6. As the narrative continues to unfold, the impact on political discourse and public trust remains significant.

Written By:
Christina Davie

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