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 February 8, 2024

Mitch McConnell played key role in writing "immigration" bill sending billions to Ukraine

Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was apparently the chief architect behind the insane "immigration" bill that wouldn't have solved the border crisis while shoveling billions of dollars towards Ukraine.

McConnell, who leads Senate Republicans, was exposed for his role in the bill by Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) who explained that he was shocked that McConnell had failed to drum up support for the bill among Republicans considering McConnell "wrote the deal."

Murphy explained "He didn’t just bless the deal. He wrote the deal. I have a ton of respect for his commitment to Ukraine. I genuinely enjoyed working with his team. They were in the room every single day. But it’s really worrying that a deal that was written and endorsed by the minority leader gets four votes from his caucus."

Murphy effectively destroyed any plausible deniability that McConnell had as the fallout from the monstrous immigration bill continues to hit.

As it turns out, McConnell's bill was a dirty deal he made with Democrats that sold out the demands of Republican voters while fulfilling a laundry list of Democrat wishes.

McConnell is guilty

McConnell has been known as RINO more interested in cutting deals with Democrats then actually fighting for the conservative cause.

Under McConnell's leadership, the Republican Party has been known for capitulating and failing to achieve significant accomplishments. On the same note, the Republican Party has on multiple occasions attempted to sell out conservatives by authorizing insane legislation favoring Democrats.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) called out McConnell saying, "On this issue, he is not aligned with the conservatives either at home in Kentucky or across the nation who don’t think we can send unlimited money." This was in reference to the billions the bill would send to Ukraine.

This bill would have sent $60 billion in aid to Ukraine while doing nothing to shut down the border.

Former President Donald Trump's border wall would have cost 1/6th that amount but there was no language in this legislation, written by a Republican, about any kind of wall or infrastructure to stop illegal immigration.

McConnell has stabbed conservative voters in the back multiple times and it is long past time that he be forced into retirement.

Out with McConnell

McConnell is a literal Congressional dinosaur at 81-years-old and has been Kentucky's senior Senator since 1985.

McConnell has been in Congress for nearly forty years and has little to show for it aside from being a sell out. If Trump showed us anything in the past few years, its that career politicians aren't just a problem unique to the Democrat Party.

McConnell is a throwback to a different time in American politics and he is long past his expiration date.

Written By:
Robert Hoel

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