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 December 13, 2023

Mike Johnson says House will vote Wednesday on impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden

House Speaker Mike Johnson expects the House of Representatives to vote Wednesday to launch an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, the Daily Caller reported. This action will formalize an investigation currently underway.

Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-ND) released the resolution document last week. The House Rules Committee reviewed it Tuesday, and now it's just a matter of a formal vote.

If approved, it would give the Ways and Means, House Oversight, and House Judiciary committees the green light to look into Biden's shady dealings. Johnson believes this can't come a moment too soon.

Speaking to "Special Report" host Bret Baier, Johnson said he would be taking the "next necessary step" to bring Biden to justice.  "Tomorrow, we’ll be voting on the inquiry," the House Speaker told Baier Tuesday.

"Why are we doing that? Because it’s the next necessary step," he added.

"The White House has stonewalled this investigation. It’s gone methodically, carefully, as the Constitution requires of us. It’s a very serious matter," Johnson said of the current investigation House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan is already heading up.

"But right now, they are not turning over documents, and they’re not turning over key witnesses, and we will have to defend our subpoenas in court. So, to do that, you need an impeachment inquiry vote from the full House," Johnson explained.

"We will have that tomorrow. I believe it will pass, and we will be in the best position to continue to do our constitutional responsibility," he said.

Johnson had called out Democrats for their conduct during the impeachment of former President Donald Trump, but he believes this is different.  "There are a lot of people frustrated this hasn’t moved faster," Johnson said.

"There is a big distinction. I stand by every word I said in that video," the Louisiana Republican said, referring to a video Beier showed of his statements about the Trump impeachments.

“Those were rushed, sham impeachments. They did it quickly; they did not follow any of the procedures I just described," Johnson asserted.

"We have three committees investigating this and following the truth where they lead, and they have no option in doing anything else. It’s Ways and Means, Judiciary and Oversight. They have uncovered alarming facts about the Biden family and their dealings," Johnson said.

The House's investigation has already made some bombshell revelations, including a potential $5 million bribe Biden received from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, The Hill reported. A formal authorization isn't necessary, but it will confer legitimacy on the process.

There is plenty to be dug up on Biden, as already evidenced by the ongoing probe. Americans have a right to know what kind of man is in the White House, and this is more important than ever with his 2024 reelection hanging in the balance.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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