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By Mae Slater on
 June 26, 2024

Melania Trump May Not Be in D.C. Full-Time, Unlikely To Live At White House

Melania Trump might not return to Washington D.C. full-time for a second term but could instead split her time between Palm Beach and New York if the Trumps come back to the White House.

Axios reported that Melania Trump has remained mostly out of the public eye since leaving the East Wing in 2021 and is expected to continue this trend if the Trumps return to the White House.

Melania Trump avoided public appearances and outings in Washington D.C. during her first tenure as the First Lady.

Rumors persisted about her residence, with some speculating that she might have lived with her parents in the suburbs rather than at the White House.

Experts Doubt Full-Time Role in the East Wing

Experts suggest that Melania Trump is unlikely to assume a full-time role in the East Wing if her husband returns to office. Instead, she might continue to spend most of her time in Palm Beach, occasionally traveling to New York.

Mary Jordan, a Washington Post associate editor, shared insights on Melania's independent nature. "Melania does what Melania wants," Jordan said. She also indicated that Melania views her role as unelected and unpaid, contributing to her inclination toward privacy.

Since leaving the East Wing in 2021, Melania's public sightings have been sporadic. She did not accompany her husband to the courtroom during the Stormy Daniels case, nor has she been a visible presence in Donald Trump's campaign activities.

Kate Andersen Brower, another expert on the First Lady, noted that Melania is distancing herself from both her husband and Washington's political scene. "She clearly hated being in Washington," Brower observed.

Anticipated Return for Ceremonial Duties

Although Melania Trump may not engage fully with the political landscape, she is expected to attend ceremonial events at the White House, such as state dinners or special occasions.

During her first term, Melania became known for her fashion-forward choices, culminating in a wardrobe that evolved towards sharp, rigid outfits that almost seemed like an armor. Kate Bennett, who tracks the fashion choices of First Ladies, commented on this notable shift in style.

Experts agree that if Melania returns to the White House, she will likely revisit her Be Best campaign. However, this time, she might approach it with a more experienced and assertive attitude. "Now having seen how this works, she would just be wiser and she would be more vocal and more demanding about what the first lady's office should get," Jordan noted.

In February, Donald Trump praised Melania's dedication to the United States, stating that she loves the country and wants to see it succeed. Despite her absence from the campaign trail, she remains invested in the nation's future according to him.

In a rare statement in March, Melania hinted at the possibility of being more visible in the future, advising the public to "stay tuned." This suggested that she might be planning a more prominent role if circumstances align.

Melania Trump's decision to limit her time in Washington D.C. is rooted in her past experiences and personal preferences. Her reclusive nature became evident during her first term as First Lady, and recent behaviors indicate a continued preference for a more private life.

For many, Melania represents an enigmatic figure, one who fulfills her duties on her own terms. Brower emphasized this point, stating that Melania is creating a marked distance from the traditional roles associated with the Washington social-political scene.


In conclusion, Melania Trump is expected to continue her pattern of avoiding the public eye, possibly splitting her time between Palm Beach and New York if the Trumps return to the White House.

Her past avoidance of public appearances and expert opinions suggest she will not have a full-time role in the East Wing but will attend ceremonial events.

She may revisit her Be Best campaign with a more qualified staff, reflecting her growing experience. While her future visibility remains uncertain, she has hinted that the public should "stay tuned." Melania's unique approach to the role of First Lady continues to draw interest and speculation.

Written By:
Mae Slater

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