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 September 18, 2023

McCarthy predicts Trump will be 2024 GOP nominee

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) predicted that former President Donald Trump will be the 2024 GOP nominee.

McCarthy made the comments during an interview on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Features."

The comments

“I think he will be the nominee. President Trump is stronger today than he was in 2016 or 2020, and there’s a reason why," McCarthy said.

"They saw the policies of what he was able to do with America, putting America first making our economy stronger. We didn’t have inflation. We didn’t have these battles around the world. We didn’t look weak around the world," he added.

DeSantis not at the 'same level'

"I served with Ron DeSantis," he said. "He's not at the same level as President Trump by any shape or form," McCarthy later said.

"He would not have gotten elected without President Trump's endorsement. And so I believe our best step forward is to pass our appropriation bills so we're stronger. Take the wokeism out and secure our border to make America stronger," he continued.

Trump surging in new poll

"On Friday, Reuters and Ipsos released a 2024 presidential election poll between the leading 2024 presidential candidate and 45th President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden and, according to the poll, Trump will win the election in an electoral landslide," the D.C. Enquirer reported.

"The poll spelled doom for Biden as it showed Trump leading him in all of the seven most crucial states that determined the 2020 presidential election - Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, North Carolina, Michigan, and Pennsylvania," it noted.

Trump also currently holds a massive lead over fellow GOP candidates, including DeSantis, who had hoped to gain on the former president's early lead.

The crowded field and Trump's popularity despite or even because of recent indictments has pointed to a victory over the popular Florida governor in the primary field.

It's still early and anything can happen but Trump seems to be getting support even from the House Speaker as he increases his lead among Americans, including the needed advantage in states he lost in 2020.

Written By:
Dillon Burroughs

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