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 August 14, 2023

Mark Thiessen: Afghanistan could cost Biden the presidency in 2024

Columnist Marc Thiessen is arguing that the Afghanistan debacle that has taken place under President Joe Biden's administration could, in itself, be enough to cost Biden the U.S. presidency in 2024. 

Thiessen made this argument during a recent appearance on the Fox News Channel's America Reports. 

To put Thiessen's remarks into context, August 2023 is the two-year anniversary of Biden's botched withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.

The reader will likely remember that, during the withdrawal, 13 U.S. service members lost their lives to suicide bombers, a large number of U.S. citizens and allies were left behind, and the country fell back into the hands of Taliban insurgents.

Last week, U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) hosted a congressional forum in which family members of the deceased 13 U.S. service members voiced their anger and frustration with the Biden administration over its mishandling of the withdrawal.

Now, Biden is facing renewed criticism for the Afghanistan debacle.

It is in this context that Thiessen made the argument that Biden's failure in Afghanistan could be enough to cost Biden the presidency in 2024.

"Joe Biden could lose the presidency because of Afghanistan, and I'll tell you why," Thiessen said during his Fox appearance.

He continued:

People aren't voting on Afghanistan in 2024, but they're voting a referendum on Joe Biden. If you look at the poll numbers before the Afghan withdrawal, he was above 50% approval and after that withdrawal, he's sunk below 50% and has never recovered, and not only did he sink below 50% on foreign policy and fighting terrorism, [but] on every single issue.

There is truth to what Thiessen says. Take a look for yourself here.

Thiessen continued by explaining why this is the case.

He said:

Why is that? Because Americans looked at this and they said, "One, he's lying to us, and, two, he's incompetent" and when people decide that you're an incompetent liar, you don't recover from that. That is a permanent, indelible mark on his presidency, and so all the polls we're seeing in the two years since this happened are a reflection that it all started in Afghanistan. It all started in Kabul when his polls went cratered and they have never gone up above 50% again because the American people know he is a liar and he is incompetent.

Thiessen concluded by saying that this is the reason why Biden is "going to lose the White House" in 2024.

We'll have to see whether this does indeed turn out to be the case.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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