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 September 5, 2023

Majority of Americans oppose Biden's response to Ukraine

A new survey shows that a majority of Americans disapprove of President Joe Biden's response to the conflict in Ukraine.

The Wall Street Journal poll found that 52% disapproved, up from March when 46% held the same view.

Two-thirds of Republicans disapprove

"A plurality of voters said too much was being done to help Ukraine, at 38 percent. Thirty-one percent said it was the 'right amount,' and 22 percent said not enough was being done,"  Breitbart News reported.

"The poll showed that a large majority of Republican primary voters — 62 percent — said too much was being done, while 17 percent said it was the right amount, and 14 percent said not enough was being done," it continued.

Opposing funding too

A majority of Americans also now oppose more U.S. aid to Ukraine, according to a CNN report.

"Overall, 55% say the US Congress should not authorize additional funding to support Ukraine vs. 45% who say Congress should authorize such funding," the SSRS survey found.

"And 51% say that the US has already done enough to help Ukraine while 48% say it should do more. A poll conducted in the early days of the Russian invasion in late February 2022 found 62% who felt the US should have been doing more," it added.

Republicans more strongly opposed

Republicans are more strongly opposed to further Ukraine aid, with a majority against additional funds since at least January.

"A slight majority of Republicans — 52 percent to 48 percent — want their member of Congress to oppose further Ukraine funding," the Washington Post noted.

Biden is currently requesting another $24 billion for the Ukraine war effort. If approved, it would make $135 billion since the start of Russia's invasion in February 2022.

The American people originally strongly supported Ukraine's resistance to Russia but the Biden administration's overwhelming funding internationally while failing to create economic benefits in the U.S. has led to public opinion shifting in the opposite direction within less than two years.

Written By:
Dillon Burroughs

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