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 December 19, 2023

Liz Cheney goes on Fox News to try and convince Republicans not to vote for Donald Trump

Former Rep. Liz Cheney is urging Republicans to step away from supporting former President Donald Trump for president in 2024, Breitbart reported. The disgraced Wyoming Republican made her case on "Special Report" on Fox News Monday.

Cheney, who lost her seat in a humiliating defeat to her challenger in the state's Republican primary, has made opposition to Trump her brand. Despite it being her political undoing, Cheney was at it again by claiming Trump flouted U.S. laws and will continue to do so.

"Every single president, Republican and Democrat, since George Washington, has ensured the peaceful transition of power. Donald Trump tried to seize power," Cheney told host Bret Baier.

"So we can disagree with [President Joe Biden's] policies, but the fact that he tried to seize power, the fact that he ignored the rulings of 61 courts, the fact that he ignored his own attorney general, his own White House counsel, who told him what he was saying about the election was false. It wasn’t true," Cheney said.

"His claims were false, and he went out and made them anyway, knowing that. The extent to which he, while a violent mob was assaulting the Capitol, he wouldn’t tell them to leave," she went on, using Democrats' narrative to make her play.

"Instead, he tweeted against his own vice president, and he poured fuel on the flames. Those are lines that can’t be crossed," Cheney continued.

"And look, this isn’t about policy. I voted with Donald Trump 93% of the time. This is about the nation. It’s about the republic. It’s about the Constitution," Cheney claimed, using the same tired democracy-in-peril narrative Trump's opponents have been hammering him with.

"What I would say to Fox viewers, and I worked here for many years as you know. The race today presents a number of candidates who will abide by the Constitution," the former Wyoming lawmaker said.

"You can have the policies that we all want, some of which Donald Trump put into place, some of which he didn’t. We can have conservative policies without having to torch the Constitution," Cheney said.

"I would urge people watching today who are going to be voting in those caucuses and those primaries, vote for somebody else. Do not vote for the person who already tried to seize power," Cheney said.

"This is about ensuring that you’re going to vote for somebody that you will support somebody who is going to uphold the rule of law. Donald Trump has demonstrated he won’t," she concluded.

It's laughable that Cheney would believe Fox viewers care about what she has to say in the first place. The moment Cheney sided with Democrats against Trump, she shredded any credibility she had with her own party.

She didn't seem to get the hint when her opponent, Harriet Hageman, beat her by more than 30 points in the GOP primary in August 2022, NBC News reported. Cheney was ousted as a direct result of her conduct in siding with Democrats' hysterical claims about Trump and the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Rather than continuing her anti-Trump crusade, Cheney should have the good sense to slink into the background. Instead, she's out in public again doing the very thing that was her undoing, and she doesn't have a shred of self-awareness to be embarrassed by that.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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