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 June 8, 2023

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker attacks Joe Biden's pro-choice agenda with pro-life message on tie at White House appearance

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker used a celebratory trip to the White House to troll President Joe Biden using a pro-life message on his tie, the Washington Examiner reported. Butker and his teammates were invited to the White House Monday as this year's Super Bowl champions. 

The NFL team took photos with the president, and eagle-eyed observers noticed Butker's custom-made tie as he stood behind Biden. It had Vulnerari Praesidio embroidered into it, which is a Latin phrase meaning "Protect the most vulnerable."

Many on Twitter quickly noticed what Butker, a devout Catholic, was conveying to the pro-abortion administration. "Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker showed up to the most pro-abortion White House administration in U.S. history wearing a pro-life tie that largely translates from Latin to ‘protect the vulnerable," one user on Twitter noticed.

"Two-time Catholic Super Bowl champ [Butker] savagely photo-bombed Joe with a BASED pro-life message stitched right into his custom tie," another said. In the past, Butker has been outspoken about his objection to Biden's bloodthirsty administration.

Since Roe v. Wade was overturned last June, Biden has been on a crusade to preserve the rights of mothers who wish to abort their children. Butker sees this drive as part of a larger problem of selfishness in society.

"Sadly, we are encouraged to live our lives for ourselves to move from one thing to another with no long-term commitment," Butker said during a commencement speech to graduates at the Georgia Institute of Technology in May. "To have loyalty for nothing but ourselves and sacrifice only when it suits our own interests," he added.

"This loneliness is rooted in the lies being sold about self-dependence and prioritizing our career over important relationships," Butker said. It's clear that Butker's wardrobe choice Monday was clearly more than a fashion statement.

"I want to give the most vulnerable, the unborn, a voice at a place where every effort has been made to allow and normalize the tragic termination of their lives," Butker said in an interview, according to Fox News. "As a father who has experienced three miscarriages, my wife and I understand the hardships that come with losing a child," he shared.

"Every life is precious and should be valued whether outside or inside the womb." Butker acknowledged that the tie was directed at the Biden administration.

The tie was designed by pro-life activist group Live Action. On his lapel, Butker wore a pin shaped like tiny gold feet that the movement uses to portray those of 10-week-old babies who are killed in abortion.

"President Biden is a professing Catholic who, as the most powerful man in the world, is responsible for leading the most pro-abortion administration in our history that has overseen a horrific death toll of 2,548 children every day lost to abortion," Lila Rose, founder and president of Live Action, said in a statement. For his part, Butker appears to be the real deal when it comes to his Catholic faith.

"I’m not just making kicks so that I can make money and I can puff myself up as this great person that people want to be like one day," Butker said on Catholic network EWTN in February. "I’m making kicks because God wants me to have a platform, at least for right now, to share this message of faith, of growing in virtue, of growing closer to the sacraments, and of being a saint," he told host Colm Flynn on the network's "EWTN In Depth" program.

Biden is the worst kind of hypocrite since he uses his Catholic faith as a prop while acting and governing directly against it. Abortion is a grave sin against life, but the president places his party's priorities over his religion's.

Butker was brave to make such a silent statement at the White House. All of the men who play in the NFL are physically gifted, but they're no match for the spiritual strength of a man like Butker.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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