By Mae Slater on
 July 23, 2024

Kamala Harris Take Over Means Donald Trump Faces Woman He Once Supported

In a remarkable turn of events, Donald Trump's past financial contributions to Kamala Harris's political campaigns have resurfaced amid his subsequent sharp criticism of her. These donations are a good reminder of Trump's bipartisan past.

The Daily Beast reported that Trump once donated a total of $6,000 to Kamala Harris's campaigns for California Attorney General, contributing $5,000 in 2011 and another $1,000 in 2013.

These revelations came to light as a video obtained by The Daily Beast showed Trump harshly criticizing Harris, referring to her as "so bad" and "so pathetic."

Trump's initial $5,000 donation was made during a fundraiser hosted by then-New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who was investigating for-profit colleges, including Trump University.

Schneiderman, aiming to broaden his connections, had asked Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner to assist, leading them to host a breakfast for him.

In September 2011, Trump attended Harris's fundraiser at Schneiderman’s invitation. This support was further solidified with another $1,000 contribution two years later. Ivanka Trump also chipped in $2,000 to Harris’s re-election campaign in 2014.

Political Donations and Shifting Loyalties

Harris kept the $5,000 from Trump until 2015, then redirected it to a human rights nonprofit in Central America. Eric Schneiderman, who resigned in 2018 amid allegations of physical abuse, was unavailable for comment on the fundraiser and donations.

Trump has consistently donated to Democrats he later criticized, including high-profile figures such as Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, and Joe Biden.

This pattern highlights his complicated relationships with political figures across the spectrum.

Questions have arisen about a potential debate between Trump and Harris, given her prosecutorial background and fierce questioning style. Trump has spoken out against Harris multiple times, describing her as more antagonistic towards him than even Hillary Clinton.

Trump's critical remarks about Harris intensified after her questioning of Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation hearings.

Especially troubling for Trump was Harris's intense inquiries into abortion and regulation of laws pertaining to the male body, which left Kavanaugh struggling to answer.

Trump remarked on Harris's approach, saying, "She was nasty to a level that was just a horrible thing, and I won’t forget that soon." This sentiment underscores his strong disapproval of Harris, which appears to linger more deeply than his feelings towards other political adversaries.

As Harris remains a potential candidate for the Democratic nomination for president, the political rivalry between her and Trump shows no signs of abating.

This contentious relationship promises fierce future contests marked by their past interactions and ongoing public critiques.


While once a financial supporter of Harris’s political ambitions, Donald Trump's relationship with her has dramatically shifted, underscoring the unpredictable nature of politics.

His donations, once seemingly benign, now stand in stark contrast to his harsh criticisms, inviting scrutiny of his political strategies and alliances. As Harris continues her political journey, the legacy of Trump's support and subsequent disdain serves as a poignant reminder of the mutable nature of political loyalties.

Written By:
Mae Slater

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