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 March 17, 2024

Kamala Harris claims America is facing a 'health care crisis' during visit to abortion clinic

Vice President Kamala Harris says that, with regard to abortion, Americans are facing a "health care crisis." 

The New York Times reports that Harris made the claim during her recent trip to an abortion clinic.

In case you missed it, Harris made the visit - to the Planned Parenthood located in St. Paul, Minnesota - last Thursday. The trip was part of the "Fight for Reproductive Freedoms" tour, which is being done in furtherance of President Joe Biden's reelection campaign.

Harris, with this visit, made history. She became the first vice president to tour an abortion clinic.

A "health care crisis"

During the trip, Harris went all in on pro-abortion messaging. In fact, she claimed that Republican-led efforts to cut back on abortion have resulted in "a very serious health crisis."

"Right now, in our country, we are facing a very serious health crisis, and the crisis is affecting many, many people in our country, most of whom are, frankly, silently suffering," Harris said.

This statement, of course, rests on a dubious definition of "health," considering that we are talking here about abortion. But, this sort of language is nothing new for Harris.

She has been making remarks like this for much of her political career, which has been tightly tethered to the abortion industry.

Harris, in particular, has ratcheted up the rhetoric ever since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the landmark pro-abortion case Roe V. Wade. 

A constitutional right?

During her abortion clinic visit, Harris repeated the claim that the Supreme Court justices, by overturning Roe, "took a constitutional right that had been recognized from the people of America – from the women of America."

This is a rather egregious mischaracterization of the truth, which Harris ought to know considering that she is a lawyer. In actuality, what the justice did was return the abortion issue back to the people and their state representatives. It is for this reason that many, many states continue to allow abortions to take place.

Harris also went on to claim that state legislatures who have restricted access to abortions in the aftermath of the Supreme Court ruling "have denied women access to reproductive health care" - which again relies on a dubious definition of "reproductive health care."

All-in-all, this is about what we have come to expect from a staunch pro-abortion Democrat like Harris.

She may not be a particularly good public speaker, but she has certainly been schooled in the doublespeak necessary for the left to push its abortion agenda.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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