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 September 8, 2023

Justice Alito rejects request to recuse himself from upcoming SCOTUS tax case

Democrats, including Senate leadership, continue to wage war on conservative U.S. Supreme Court justices.

According to the Washington Examiner, Justice Samuel Alito recently rejected a request from Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) to recuse himself from an upcoming tax-related case based on the fact that Alito sat down for an interview with one of the attorneys on the case.

Alito, holding nothing back, said there isn't a valid reason why he should recuse himself from the case, called Moore v. United States.

The conservative justice, known as one of the most conservative on the high court, issued a four-page statement addressing Durbin and other Democrats' calls for his recusal.

"Because this case is scheduled to be heard soon, and because of the attention my planned participation in this case has already received, I respond to these concerns now," Alito wrote.

He added, "There is no valid reason for my recusal in this case."

The Examiner noted:

The crux of the Democratic lawmakers' Aug. 4 complaint letter against Alito is that the justice had tainted his ability to weigh the case fairly because he sat down for hours during his Wall Street Journal interview with David Rivkin, who represents a couple suing over a tax bill.

Alito's statement added, "The case in which [Rivkin] is involved was never mentioned; nor did we discuss any issue in that case either directly or indirectly. His involvement in the case was disclosed in the second article, and therefore readers could take that into account."

Many believe Durbin and other Democrats gave up on packing the high court, and instead have decided to try and pick off the conservative justices one by one, with the grand hopes of a resignation or dismissal that would allow President Joe Biden to appoint liberal justices.

Alito also triggered Durbin and many other radical Democrats by remaining firm in his assertion that Congress lacks the authority to impose a new code of ethics on the Supreme Court.

Justice Clarence Thomas has also been targeted by the radical left over perceived ethics issues, but has remained steadfast in fending them off, so far.

It appears Alito is taking the same course of action, as he should.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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