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 October 31, 2022

Judge rules against Democrats in Arizona, will allow ballot drop box monitoring to continue

Arizona Democrats are irate.

Arizona Central reports that a judge is seemingly going to allow ballot drop box monitoring in Arizona to continue. 

Ever since the 2020 elections, Republicans have been coming up with ways to ensure the integrity of the country's elections. Towards this end, a Republican group called Clean Elections USA has organized the surveillance of ballot drop boxes located in the Phoenix, Arizona, area.

Suffice it to say that local Democrats have not taken too kindly to this effort. In response, two so-called voting rights groups - the Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans and Voto Latino - have challenged Clean Elections USA's surveillance plan in court.

The leftist groups argue that what Clean Election USA is doing here amounts to a "campaign of vigilante voter intimidation." And so, the groups are attempting to get the courts to put a stop to Clean Elections USA's efforts.

Not only that, but given the fact that the midterm elections are now within arm's reach, the leftist groups argued that an emergency stop is necessary.

U.S. District Court Judge Michael Liburdi, however, disagrees.

Liburdi has turned down the leftist group's request for emergency relief, essentially allowing Clean Elections USA to continue, at least for now, with its ballot box drop surveillance.

Liburdi wrote in his decision:

While there are serious questions implicated, the Court cannot provide preliminary injunctive relief without infringing core constitutional rights. A preliminary injunction cannot issue on these facts, but Arizona Alliance is invited to return to this Court with any new evidence that Defendants have engaged in unlawful voter intimidation.

In addition to turning down the request for emergency relief, Liburdi also removed Voto Latino from the lawsuit, finding that Voto Latino lacked the standing necessary to even be there. It's clearly not the outcome that the leftist groups were hoping for.

However, this is not the end of the matter, as Liburdi's decision makes clear. Reports also indicate that at least other lawsuit has been filed in an attempt to put a stop to Clean Elections USA and similar efforts.

Imagine being a Democrat and having to fight against securing the integrity of our elections. What are they trying to hide?

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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