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 April 27, 2023

Judge orders Hunter Biden to appear in court for paternity case

A judge has just ordered Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, to appear in court for his ongoing paternity case with Lunden Roberts, the Washington Examiner reports

Lunden Roberts is the mother of Biden's four-year-old daughter, Navy, whom Biden has refused to acknowledge.

The child was conceived back when Biden was in a relationship with Hallie Biden, the widow of Hunter Biden's deceased brother, Beau. The child, though, would be born to Roberts in Arkansas in 2018.

Hunter Biden, initially, claimed that he was not the father of the child. He, in fact, denied ever meeting Roberts, who claimed that the two hooked up at the high-end gentleman's Mpire Club in Washington, D.C.

A paternity case ensued. In the case, a DNA test was ordered to settle the paternity dispute, and that DNA test, in 2019, proved - "with near scientific certainty" - that Biden was indeed the father of Roberts's child.

The legal dispute would continue until 2020 when Biden agreed to settle the case with Roberts for $2.5 million. The case, however, did not completely end there. It would later be reopened when Biden asked for his child support payments to be lowered.

Then, this past December, Roberts attempted to get the child's surname changed to "Biden." Roberts argued that the Biden name is "now synonymous with being well educated, successful, financially acute, and politically powerful," and, accordingly, that, since Hunter Biden is the child's father, the child ought to be afforded the benefits that come with the "Biden" name.

Biden, however, is fighting the name change.

The trial part of the case - which will be a bench trial rather than a jury trial - is scheduled to take place in late July. But, between now and then, there are various court hearings, and, the judge in the case has just ordered Hunter Biden to attend those hearings.

Independence County Circuit Judge Holly Meyer issued the ruling on Monday, speaking via Zoom with the legal representation of Biden and of Roberts.

“From now on ... I want both of your clients at every hearing I conduct," Meyer said.

The judge added, "I will no longer allow us to excuse clients ... because it is interfering with the progress of litigation, which is taking way too long to get over simple points."

The next hearing is scheduled for 9 a.m. on May 1 at the Independence County courthouse in Batesville, Arkansas.

Biden will have to attend, and, if he doesn't, he will likely face a contempt of court charge.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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