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 August 18, 2023

Judge grants motion to dismiss Hunter Biden's Delaware charges paving the way for prosecutors to refile charges elsewhere

District Judge Maryellen Noreika granted a request by the Department of Justice to dismiss charges filed against Hunter Biden in Delaware in a decision on Thursday.

Federal prosecutors argued that the charges would “not resolve short of a trial” in Delaware and would be more appropriately litigated in either the “Central District of California or in the District of Columbia."

The real reason the Department of Justice wants the case moved could have to do with the fact that Judge Noreika has already proven to be an obstacle to DOJ's plans of getting Hunter Biden off scot-free.

Judge Noreika is responsible for blowing up Biden's sweetheart deal that would have granted him effective immunity against a wide range of possible prosecutions.

Now the Department of Justice is attempting to get Biden's case moved to friendlier territory and ideally under a more left-leaning judge.

The next move

Judge Noreika's decision to blow up the plea deal threw a wrench into the DOJ's plans. Not only did it stop their best shot at avoiding further legal troubles for Biden, it also implicated them as being politically biased.

So now the move is to get to friendlier courts where they can get a judge more inclined to support their antics.

Senator Tom Cotton explained, "Biden’s DOJ wants to dismiss the charges against Hunter, supposedly to refile them elsewhere, no doubt before some liberal judge who will rubber-stamp a sweetheart deal. Remember, when Biden’s DOJ and Hunter’s lawyers meet, they’re not negotiating. They’re conspiring."

Finding a liberal judge in California or Washington D.C. won't be difficult which means this decision by Judge Noreika is a big win for Hunter Biden.

Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz further explained during a Sunday interview on "Life, Liberty & Levin" that, "This is possibly a big deal. It's not just a technical change because they've dropped the current indictment, and they've vitiated the plea bargain, which I predicted they would."

Everything about the Department of Justice's handling of the Hunter Biden charges has been fishy and Americans can expect for things to get even worse.

The fix is in

Any illusions Americans may have had about the possibility of an objective investigation of Hunter Biden went out the window with the appointment of David Weiss as special counsel investigating Biden.

Weiss was chosen by Attorney General Merrick Garland to handle the investigation, a move which broke with longstanding regulations requiring a special counsel to be unaffiliated with the government.

That sweetheart plea deal that would have protected Hunter Biden from further investigations is now back on the table with the case moving to a new jurisdiction. It seems inevitable that Hunter Biden will escape any sort of accountability.

Written By:
Robert Hoel

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