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 September 7, 2023

Joe Biden's books floundering while Americans snap up books detailing Biden family corruption

While books about President Joe Biden are floundering, one author's exposé of the family's corruption is doing very well, Breitbart reported. This indicates that readers aren't interested in Biden outside of his criminal activities despite the media's silence on them.

Earlier this week, Politico published a piece titled "Biden books are still bombing," which decried the lack of interest in nonfiction works about the president. The article centered on authors Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes who had been successful with their postmortem of the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign in their book "Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign."

However, the pair struggled to duplicate that success for their 2021 release "Lucky: How Joe Biden Barely Won the Presidency." While the Clinton book became a New York Times bestseller and sold 125,000 copies, a second about Biden couldn't crack the threshold of 10,000 copies sold.

The news outlet claimed that things are so bleak that Allen is forced to return to the Clinton well instead of Biden for the next book. "He has tried to be kind of a drama-free president, certainly in comparison to his predecessor, and that makes it harder to write a book, both in terms of getting information and turning his story into one that is compelling for readers," Allen claimed.

Both Allen and Politico seem to overlook the fact that Biden is surrounded by scandals, and that anything which ignores them is, by definition, irrelevant. HarperCollins publisher Eric Nelson, who handles the conservative Broadside Books brand, got a bit closer to the mark.

"Biden never does anything interesting," Nelson said. "The Hunter Biden stuff has done pretty well, because he’s appropriately interesting," he added.

"But Hunter Biden is not the president," Neslon pointed out. Another conservative publisher, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, explained the conundrum for people seeking to tell the complicated story of the elderly politician.

"If your nickname is Sleepy Joe, you kind of have to simultaneously say this person is ruining everything and is supremely evil, but also he’s inept, and that’s sort of a challenging combination." the publisher noted. Maybe so, but there is a formula for success that one author seems to grasp: truth.

It's obvious that Biden is a terrible president, a despicable human being, and probably a criminal. So far, the only one to properly make that case is selling many books doing it.

"Breaking Biden," penned by Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow, is lighting up the Amazon charts before it has even been released. The book examines Biden's political career and uncovers many of the scandals and corruption other authors are afraid to touch.

Due out next month, the book is already topping Amazon's categories, including "Political Conservatism & Liberalism," "United States Executive Government," and "Movers and Shakers." It is even outperforming "The Last Politician" book about Biden, which is one giant puff piece that was held out as Politico's exception to the rest of the dismally performing works.

"The media is going to try to bury the details of this book. We know that," Marlow said. "It’s what they do. It could be the #1 bestseller and they will try to hide it to protect Joe Biden," he added.

"Still, that Politico headline is pretty embarrassing, even for them. You’ve got to laugh," Marlow said of the news outlet's dire prediction for Biden books that is disproven by his recent success.

The establishment media doesn't want to touch the Biden stories that put him in an unfavorable light. They'll write boring books that ignore the elephant in the room and then lament that they don't sell. Meanwhile, people willing to tell the truth will continue to find success.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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