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 October 10, 2023

Joe Biden was questioned by the special counsel in their probe of secret documents

In a significant development, the special counsel appointed to investigate President Joe Biden's alleged mishandling of classified documents has conducted an interview with the President. 

The special counsel, whose role is to thoroughly examine the accusations against President Biden, is delving into the matter with utmost seriousness, The Washington Examiner reported.

This interview marks a crucial step in the ongoing investigation, shedding light on the allegations surrounding the President's handling of classified information.

In a recent development, President Joe Biden underwent interviews with special counsel Robert Hur over the course of Sunday and Monday.

This information was revealed by Ian Sams, the spokesperson for the White House Counsel's Office.

Sams has highlighted the interviews as additional proof of Biden's cooperation with the ongoing investigation right from the start.

"The president has been interviewed as part of the investigation being led by Special Counsel Robert Hur," the spokesman said.

"The voluntary interview was conducted at the White House over two days, Sunday and Monday, and concluded Monday.

"As we have said from the beginning, the president and the White House are cooperating with this investigation, and as it has been appropriate," the White House spokesperson said, explaining the president's actions.

Sams went on to explain how the Commander in Chief is reacting to the allegations, saying "We have provided relevant updates publicly, being as transparent as we can consistent with protecting and preserving the integrity of the investigation. We would refer other questions to the Justice Department at this time," he added.

Biden disclosed in August that he had not been contacted by the special counsel for an interview.

"There's no such request and no such interest," the president said on Aug. 25 when he was asked if he was planning to sit for an interview with the special counsel.

The revelation infuriated a significant number of Republicans, many of whom drew parallels between the current predicament and that of former President Donald Trump.

In the past, when Biden has had to explain himself, he has done so by emphasizing his willingness to cooperate with authorities, which he compares with the acts of Trump.

In addition to this, Biden is being investigated for his purported involvement in several of his son Hunter Biden's business transactions.

The current president is being accused of financially benefiting from deals with foreign entities, some of which could have been impacted by the elder Biden's role as Vice President.

Written By:
Charlotte Tyler

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