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 January 22, 2023

Joe Biden vows to ban 'assault weapons' again

President Joe Biden, once again, is promising to ban "assault weapons," Fox News reports.  

Biden's latest threat came during a White House event. There, Biden said:

What I've said before - not all of you are going to agree with me - but we're going to ban assault weapons. We did it once. We're going to do it again. And, the number of bullets that can be in a clip.

The Post Millennial has posted a video clip to social media of Biden making this statement.

When Biden said that "we did it once," he was referring to the "assault weapons" ban that he, as a Democrat U.S. Senator from Delaware, helped to pass under the administration of former President Bill Clinton.

Biden, throughout, his presidency has pushed various gun control measures. But, thus far, the Democrats - not having sufficient control of Congress - have been unsuccessful in getting these measures through both chambers.

During the summer of 2022, when the Democrats were still in control of the U.S. House of Representatives, they did manage to narrowly pass a ban on "assault weapons," by a margin of 217-213. But, with the 50-50 split in the U.S. Senate, the bill was unable to go any farther.

There is no reason to think that the Democrats, now that the Republicans have control of the House, will be able to successfully get an "assault weapons" ban through Congress during the remainder of Biden's first term as president.

That's not going to stop Biden, however, from continuing to push for gun control measures.

Fox News reports that, at the recently-held National Action Network's annual Martin Luther King Jr. breakfast in Washington, Biden took direct aim at Second Amendment supporters.

There, Biden claimed that "assault weapons" serve no "social redeeming value."

"I love my right-wing friends who talk about the tree of liberty is water of the blood of patriots," Biden said. "If you need to work about taking on the federal government, you need some F-15s. You don't need an AR-15."

Biden, here, was referring to the Thomas Jefferson quote, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants."

"I'm serious. Think about it," Biden said. "Think about the rationale for this. It's about money."

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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