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 August 19, 2023

Joe Biden used "secret" email address during time serving as Barack Obama's Vice President

Information has resurfaced indicating that President Joe Biden used "secret" email addresses while serving as vice president, Fox News reported. He emailed his son Hunter Biden from those accounts as the younger Biden was doing business with Ukraine and the elder Biden was dealing with foreign policy in the country.

President Barack Obama's administration justified the practice at the time. They did not attempt to hide that it was routine for high-ranking White House officials and made "eminent sense" to do so when confronted about it.

Then-White House press secretary Jay Carney said as much in a 2013 news conference after the Associated Press published a story about it. Carney admitted that several members of the administration had email addresses under aliases.

A reporter asked at the time whether a Freedom of Information Act request or a congressional inquiry would compel the release of these "secret" emails. Carney downplayed the significance of it but said it would.

"Let's be clear — this is a practice consistent with prior administrations of both parties and, as the story itself made clear, any FOIA request or congressional inquiry includes a search in all of the email accounts used by any political appointee," Carney responded. "So the answer is, all of this information is provided," he added.

"Having alternate email addresses for cabinet secretaries and other high-profile officials makes eminent sense, much as it does for columnists, for example, of major publications who provide email addresses for their readers but have alternate work email addresses so that if they are inundated in one account with either public emails or spam or the like, that they can continue to use their other account for normal work," Carney explained. "And that is the case with officials of this administration, officials of the previous administrations who have had email addresses," he added.

"And the fundamental question here, in terms of FOIA requests and congressional inquiries, is that all of these email addresses are included," Carney confirmed. This issue has come up again as House Republicans are investigating the Bidens over shady business dealings.

In a letter to the National Archives on Wednesday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer requested unredacted emails from when Joe Biden was vice president. During those years, he communicated with his son and others through several aliases.

The Kentucky Republican is asking for particular emails dubbed "Email Messages To and/or From Vice President Biden and Hunter Biden related to Burisma and Ukraine" on the National Archives website. Comer wrote to agency archivist Colleen Shogan asking for any "document or communication in which a pseudonym for Vice President Joe Biden was included either as a sender, recipient, copied or was included in the contents of the document or communication, including but not limited to Robert Peters, Robin Ware, and JRB Ware."

In addition, Comer requested any "document or communication in which Hunter Biden, Eric Schwerin, or Devon Archer was included either as a sender, recipient, copied, or was included in the contents of the document or communication." Both Eric Schwerin and Devon Archer were former business associates of Hunter Biden.

Archer recently testified that the younger Biden presented the "illusion" that he was a conduit to his powerful father, The Hill reported. Hunter Biden would acheive this by calling his father during meetings business meetings and putting him on speakerphone to drive home that he was a point of access.

Comer is also asking for "drafts from November 1, 2015, to December 9, 2015, of then-Vice President Biden’s speech delivered to the Ukrainian Rada on December 9, 2015" to dispute Joe Biden's previous claims that he was not part of his son's business dealings. "We already have evidence of then-Vice President Biden speaking, dining, and having coffee with his son’s foreign business associates," Comer continued.

"We also know that Hunter Biden and his associates were informed of then-Vice President Biden’s official government duties in countries where they had a financial interest. The National Archives must provide these unredacted records to further our investigation into the Biden family’s corruption," Comer said.

There are many layers to the Biden family's corruption, and it's about time that investigators peel them all back one by one. Gaining access to Joe Biden's private emails will likely go a long way toward doing just that.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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