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By Mae Slater on
 February 25, 2024

Joe Biden trying to buy votes with student debt forgiveness in defiance of the Supreme Court

President Joe Biden has unveiled a plan that has sparked a significant amount of discussion across the nation.

USA Today reported that  Biden announced the cancellation of $1.2 billion in federal student loans for 153,000 individuals, marking a continuation of efforts to alleviate financial hardship for Americans, yet this decision has been met with controversy and criticism.

The initiative, aimed at Americans grappling with financial difficulties, defines such hardship in terms of the challenges of bill payments. It specifically targets student loan debts, benefiting a demographic that critics argue aligns with the Democrats' non-working-class coalition. This policy decision, announced in California amid engagements with Hollywood figures, underscores the administration's focus on educational debt relief.

Defying Supreme Court

This relief action comes in the wake of a Supreme Court ruling, with a 6-3 vote, that deemed similar executive actions unconstitutional. Despite this, the Biden administration has moved forward with the cancellation of $1.2 billion in federal student loans. This decision does not extend its benefits to individuals employed and managing other forms of debt, such as mortgages or vehicle loans, highlighting a selective approach to financial relief.

Critics have vehemently opposed Biden's strategy, accusing it of unfairly burdening taxpayers and not promoting financial responsibility among citizens. The focus on relieving debts for individuals with original loan balances of $12,000 or less, who have been engaged in repayment efforts for a decade, has been particularly contentious.

Public reaction and criticism

The announcement has elicited strong responses from both the public and critics, who argue that the policy unfairly favors certain groups over others. Critics have labeled the initiative as Biden's latest "illegal giveaway" for what they term "student-loan deadbeats," a constituency allegedly crucial to the Democratic party's base.

Howie Carr writing for the Boston Herald called out the obvious motivation behind this plan.

"Dementia Joe Biden just announced another new billion-dollar welfare handout, for Americans facing 'financial hardship.' It’s Biden’s latest illegal giveaway for student-loan deadbeats — a key constituency, apparently, of the Democrats’ non-working-class coalition."

This criticism extends to the perception that the policy slights working Americans, particularly those who are diligently managing their debts without the prospect of governmental relief. The sentiment of unfairness and the burden on taxpayers are recurrent themes in the discourse surrounding Biden's debt cancellation efforts.

Financial and political implications

The financial implications of Biden's plan are substantial, with allegations that the total amount of debt transferred from working to non-working classes under his administration amounts to $138 billion. This has prompted accusations of a partisan redistribution of financial burdens, exacerbating tensions between different societal sectors.

The political ramifications of this policy are equally significant, with opponents framing it as a desperate bid for reelection by what they describe as "the worst president in American history." The criticism is harsh and personal, extending to Biden's character and the perceived motivations behind the debt relief initiative.

"It’s all just a desperate ploy to get reelected by the worst president in American history. Neither he nor anyone in his entire crime family has ever worked an honest day in their worthless lives."

The broader conversation on debt relief

The controversy surrounding Biden's announcement is not just about the financial implications but also the societal and ethical questions it raises. Critics argue that the policy fails to address the broader issues of financial responsibility and equity, setting a precedent that could impact future policies and the nation's fiscal health.


  • President Joe Biden announced the cancellation of $1.2 billion in federal student loans for 153,000 individuals, sparking controversy.
  • The initiative targets those facing financial hardship but has been criticized for benefiting a specific demographic and ignoring others.
  • The Supreme Court previously ruled similar actions unconstitutional, raising questions about the legality of Biden's plan.
  • Critics argue the policy unfairly burdens taxpayers and fails to promote financial responsibility.
  • The controversy highlights a deep divide in perspectives on government intervention in financial relief and the prioritization of debt cancellation.
Written By:
Mae Slater

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