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 January 23, 2023

Joe Biden sets new illegal immigration record

America, under the leadership of President Joe Biden, saw more southern border illegal immigration in December than any other month in the country's history, the Daily Wire reports

This information comes from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), which just released its latest figures.

Those numbers reveal that the CBP had 251,487 illegal alien encounters during the month of December.

That's the most encounters of any month in U.S. history. And, it puts America on pace to have another record-breaking year of illegal immigration - one that surpasses the 2022 Fiscal year, which ended in September 2022.

Fox News reports: "There were more than 2.3 million migrant encounters in FY 2022 alone, topping the then-historic 1.7 million encountered in FY 2021."

Fiscal Year 2022 saw numerous months with greater than 200,000 illegal alien encounters at the southern border. This included the month of May 2022, one of the highest months on record, with 241,136 encounters - far fewer that the more than 250,000 that would be seen in December.

The Daily Wire, in fact, reports that "December’s numbers mean that the Biden administration has now experienced 10 straight months of 200,000+ illegal alien encounters per month on the southern border."

One would have expected southern border illegal immigration to slow down somewhat following Biden's actions in December when, for the first time in his presidency, he directed his attention to the southern border crisis by visiting the southern border and putting forth a plan to address the issue.

Critics, at the time, suggested that Biden's actions were just for show, and the latest southern border figures would suggest that the critics were right. Not only isn't southern border illegal immigration slowing down, it actually appears to be speeding up.

The Daily Wire reports:

Last month’s numbers, combined with the first two months of fiscal year 2023 — October and November — put the U.S. on track to have more than 2.87 million illegal alien encounters on the U.S. southern border this year.

Fiscal Year 2023, which began in October 2022, has already witnessed 717,660 illegal alien encounters, which is far ahead of Fiscal Year 2022's pace.

The Daily Wire's estimation of 2.87 million encounters for Fiscal Year 2023 is a staggering figure.

Former CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan recently put things into perspective, noting, "Under the last Democratic president, 25,000 encounters was a borderline crisis—for the Biden administration, 10 times that number is simply business as usual."

Former acting ICE Director and Heritage Foundation visiting fellow Tom Homan explained, "By way of more than 90 executive orders, [Biden] undid the successful Trump-era policies that brought illegal immigration to a 40-year low and gave us the most secure border of our lifetimes."

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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