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 November 28, 2022

Joe Biden refuses to talk 2024 while on vacation

President Joe Biden told reporters on Saturday that he will not be discussing a potential 2024 run during his vacation, Fox News reports

This occurred while Biden and his family were vacationing, lavishly, in Nantucket, Massachusetts, over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

According to Fox, "Biden was asked by reporters how the conversations about a re-election bid were going as he and First Lady Jill Biden were crossing a street while on vacation on the island."

Biden replied, "we're not having any. We're celebrating."

This is a departure from previous comments made by Biden. On Tuesday, the New York Post reported, "Biden indicated earlier this month that the upcoming holiday season would be a prime opportunity for him to discuss running for re-election in 2024."

The Post goes on to quote Biden, on Nov. 9, as saying:

My intention is that I run again. But, I’m a great respecter of fate. And this is, ultimately, a family decision. I think everybody wants me to run, but … we’re going to have discussions about it.

When asked on that same occasion for an idea about when he might make his 2024 decision, Biden said:

Well, I — my guess is — I hope Jill and I get a little time to actually sneak away for a week … between Christmas and Thanksgiving. And my guess is it would be early next year we make that judgment.

So, the bottom line is that, thus far, Biden has not made - or at least is not revealing - his 2024 decision.

Contrary to what Biden said on Nov. 9, not everybody wants him to run for re-election.

In fact, pre-midterm polling made it clear that a sizeable percentage of Democrats do not want Biden to run again. This polling followed reports that Democratic insiders also do not want Biden to run again.

The reasons for this are multiple, including Biden and his administration's lack of success and Biden's old age.

Following the midterms, however, some Democrats have expressed a willingness to stick with Biden in 2024, attributing the Democrats' success in the midterms to the president. It is unclear, however, how far this sentiment extends.

The question of Biden's capacity to lead the country does still remain. Biden just turned 80, and would be 86 at the end of a second term, were he to pursue one.

Given Biden's insistence, for many months now, that he will seek re-election, it would be quite a surprise if he decides otherwise.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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