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 November 28, 2022

Joe Biden looking to 'get rid of assault weapons'

President Joe Biden has unambiguously stated that he is looking to take away Americans' Second Amendment right by banning "assault weapons."

Biden made his intentions known on Thanksgiving when he made some remarks and took some questions from reporters after visiting with local firefighters in Nantucket, Massachusetts.

America has recently witnessed two mass shooting-type tragedies. There is the shooting that took place at the LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado, which left five people dead, and there is the shooting that took place at a Walmart in Chesapeake, Virginia, which left six people dead.

On Thursday, a reporter began by asking Biden to comment on the Walmart shooting.

"I'm sick and tired of these shootings," Biden began, adding, "We should have much stricter gun laws."

At this point, there was a brief interruption in which some reporters could be heard telling Biden that they couldn't hear him. Then, the reporters and Biden wished each other a "Happy Thanksgiving!" before Biden got back to answering the question.

"Look, the idea that we're not enforcing red-flag laws, period - just based on knowledge, not on parents saying or a loved one saying you should arrest this person now for his own sake - is ridiculous," Biden said.

A red flag law is one that allows authorities, after obtaining permission from the courts, to seize the firearms of an individual who presents a danger to himself or others. Biden claimed that Delaware, his home state, has a red-flag law that "saves lives."

Biden continued, "number two, the idea — the idea we still allow semiautomatic weapons to be purchased is sick. It's just sick. It has no, no, social redeeming value. Zero. None. Not a single, solitary rationale for it except profit for the gun manufacturers."

None of the reporters on hand challenged the president on these remarks by, for example, pointing out that these weapons can be used for self-defense by law-abiding Americans. So, the president did not have to defend any of his claims.

Biden went on to take some more questions. Reporters asked Biden whether he would start pursuing his gun control objectives during the lame-duck period and what specifically Biden was going to try to do.

"I'm going to try," Biden said. "I'm going to try to get rid of assault weapons."

Before getting too far ahead of himself, Biden said, "I'm going to do it whenever I — I got to make that assessment as I get in and start counting the votes."

It's unlikely that, at the moment, Biden is going to be able to get enough members of Congress on board to ban "assault weapons," a goal that he has had for a while now. But this isn't going to stop Biden from trying to capitalize politically on the high emotions that are present following the two recent mass shootings.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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