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 May 20, 2024

Joe Biden Launches Bizarre Attack On Supreme Court Justices Appointed By Donald Trump

In an address at the NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner in Detroit, President Joe Biden launched a bizarre attack on former President Donald Trump’s previous Supreme Court appointees.

The Hill reported that during the event, President Biden crudely joked about Trump’s potential Supreme Court nominees should he win another presidential term.

During his talk on Sunday, Biden spent most of the address complaining about the court’s decisions on abortion and the supposed damage those decisions did to the Black community.

“He brags about getting Roe v Wade overturned,” Biden claimed “He not only denies reproductive freedom but also worsens the mortality rate for Black moms, who are nearly three times more likely to die from pregnancy complications than white women."

Biden's claims aside, the reversal of Roe v. Wade is an accomplishment Trump proudly champions.

The Ripple Effects of Judicial Appointments

Biden expanded his attacks to include accusations of voter suppression and undermining affirmative action, spearheaded by Trump and his followers. “Trump openly encourages voter suppression and election subversion. He and his MAGA extremists gutted affirmative action,” he said.

Biden went so far as to questions Trump’s criteria for Supreme Court selections. “Let me ask you, if he’s reelected, who do you think you’ll put on a Supreme Court? Do you think he’ll put anybody who has a brain?”

The President then tied these concerns directly to the forthcoming election, urging the re-election of a Democratic Congress to support significant legislative actions. “Reelect Kamala and me and a Democratic Congress and we will help the NAACP. We will sign the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, the Freedom to Vote Act, and make Roe v Wade the law of the land again,” he pledged.

Biden promised to nominate judges who would “judge justly and do mercy,” quoting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Such declarations have sparked considerable conversation about the ideological balance of the Supreme Court and its impact on American lives. Biden’s focus on installing justices who adhere closely to the leftist worldview and ideology was apparent.

It's worth remembering that it's the left that is consistently complaining about conservative bias on the Supreme Court and yet we have Biden openly promising to pack the court with ideological judges.

Hope for Legislative Reforms and Fair Judgement

In conclusion, Biden’s address to the NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner underscores a deep divide in the judicial philosophy between the current administration and its predecessor. His commitment to nominating leftist radicals stands in stark contrast to Trump’s appointments.

As the presidential race heats up, the issue of Supreme Court appointments remains a critical factor, potentially influencing significant voter segments.

Biden is committed to undoing the work of the Supreme Court and rejuvenating acts like the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.

Reflecting on Trump’s judicial legacy and the potential continuation of such policies, Biden’s discourse at the dinner becomes a crucial focal point for his reelection campaign, emphasizing the significance of both the executive and legislative branches working in harmony.

Written By:
Christina Davie

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