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 August 10, 2023

Joe Biden gets handsy with a female meteorologist during interview with The Weather Channel

President Joe Biden couldn't help but lie, become distracted, and get handsy with a female meteorologist during a rare interview on The Weather Channel, the Western Journal reported. This trifecta that is quintessentially Biden could spell disaster for his upcoming reelection bid in 2024. 

Network meteorologist Stephanie Abrams sat down with the president for a segment that aired Wednesday. Her goal was to ask Biden about his climate change, but Biden couldn't help himself.

"Mr. President, you called climate change a code red for humanity. The World Health Organization said it would cause an additional quarter of a million deaths a year starting in 2030," Abrams began with her setup.

"Are you prepared to declare a national emergency with respect to climate change?" Biden responded that he's "already done that" before stumbling through the rest of his answer.

"We've conserved more land, we've moved into — we've rejoined the Paris Climate Accord, we've passed a 368 billion-dollar climate control facility. We're moving," he claimed.

"It is the existential threat to humanity," Biden added. Abrams persisted, asking again about whether he's declared a national emergency.

"Well, in a practical — you have a bug on you," Biden said, suddenly cutting himself off. The leader of the free world was apparently derailed from giving an answer by the presence of a bug in the outdoors.

He took the gaff a step further and proved once again how his reputation for being a creep is well-founded. The insect that Biden was so intent on shooing away was in Abrams's chest area near her shoulder.

Despite the fact that they're relative strangers, Biden thought it was appropriate to touch her there to brush it away. Abrams remained calm and professional and even thanked Biden for the act.

Still, she wouldn't let him go without clarifying his earlier untrue assertion. "So, you've already declared that national emergency?" Abrams pressed on.

"Practically speaking, yes," the president claimed. Of course, he hasn't come close to declaring an emergency or anything of the sort.

Later that day, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was forced to spin his answer though she never went as far as contradicting Biden's claim. "This is a president that has taken really an ambitious approach to climate change," she said, according to Politico.

The only way Biden got elected in 2020 was by hiding from the American people in his basement during the campaign. The media covered for his past behavior with women and verbal gaffes while they focused laser-like on his opponent, then-President Donald Trump.

However, now Biden's faults are on display for voters to see. He's already ruined the economy and made the country weaker, but on top of all of that, he's showing himself to be inarticulate, confused, and creepy.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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