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 August 10, 2023

Joe Biden claims that he "already" declared a "national emergency" on climate change

President Joe Biden claimed that he has "already" declared a "national emergency" on climate change, Breitbart reported. He said this during an interview with The Weather Channel that debuted Wednesday.

In a rare interview with Stephanie Abrams, Biden touted his crisis response to climate change and managed to find a way to touch the comely meteorologist. Abrams asked him about his claim that climate change is a "code red for humanity" and his response to it.

"The World Health Organization said it would cause an additional quarter of a million deaths a year starting in 2030. Are you prepared to declare a national emergency with respect to climate change?" Abrams asked the president.

"I’ve already done that, the national emergency — we’ve conserved more land, we’ve moved into — we’ve rejoined the Paris Climate Accord, we’ve passed a 368 billion-dollar climate control [initiative]," Biden responded. "We’re moving," he continued.

"It is the existential threat to humanity," Biden exaggerated. Abrams pushed back, asking him to confirm whether he's "already declared that national emergency" then.

"Well, in a practical — you have a bug on you," he said, interrupting himself. Biden then reached out and brushed the insect away from her chest area.

Remaining professional, an unflinching Abrams thanked Biden and went on to push with her original line of questioning. "So, you’ve already declared that national emergency?" Abrams asked Biden.

"Practically speaking, yes," Biden responded. However, even the usually leftist-friendly CNN had to call Biden on that lie.

The president has yet to formally declare that climate change is a national emergency. Doing so would mean government power, money, and resources could be used to fight the weather.

Climate change extremists have pressed Biden to do just that since the first days of his presidency, but Biden has stopped short of such a drastic measure. Still, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters that Biden was merely referring to his decision to invoke the Defense Production Act to force the switch to so-called clean energy.

"What the president was talking about is the Defense Production Act," she explained on "CNN This Morning" on Wednesday. "That’s something he did very early on," Jean-Pierre added.

The network lamented that the Defense Production Act does not give Biden the "power to restrict the export of crude oil and end offshore drilling, among other authorities" like declaring an emergency would. Meanwhile, sane people are grateful for that fact.

Whether or not climate change is caused by humans, the aim of those in power seems to be to take away rights and resources from ordinary people. While they circle the globe in carbon-producing private jets, they tell everyone else to alter their lives for the cause.

The use of fossil fuels has allowed people all over the world comfort, freedom of travel, and many other perks of modernity. It's absurd to propose anything that would take those gains away from the masses, especially if done so means using the full force of the government.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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