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 December 8, 2023

Joe Biden caught in a "trap of his own making," after denying knowledge of Hunter Biden's shady business deals

President Joe Biden's denials that he was unaware of son Hunter Biden's shady business dealings may be his undoing after all, Fox News reported. Hunter Biden was recently indicted, which could catch the president in a "trap of his own making."

The indictment, filed Tuesday by a California grand jury, stated that Hunter Biden "engaged in a four-year scheme to not pay at least $1.4 million in self-assessed he owed for tax years 2016 through 2019." Besides the legal implications for him, his father's previous denials could come back to bite him.

"I think a lot of people felt … that [Special Counsel] David Weiss was going to let these charges skate, and Hunter Biden would never be held accountable for making millions of dollars overseas. And a lot of people will say that was inappropriate," former Wisconsin GOP Rep. Sean Duffy said.

Duffy predicted that it may cause Democrats to look for an "off-ramp [and] look to the hair-gel governor" of California come 2024. They may have no choice now, George Washington University Law Prof. Jonathan Turley predicted.

He believes that the indictment has trapped Joe Biden after so much time denying his involvement with his son's business. Turley likened it to the way former President Bill Clinton cornered himself during his 1998 scandal.

At the time, Clinton had looked into the camera and said, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." The person he was referring to was Monica Lewinsky, with whom he certainly did have sex.

"I mean, basically [Biden is] saying, ‘I did not have interactions with those people,'" Turley pointed out. "It didn't work for Clinton. And it's even more insulting here," he added.

Turley said that polling shows that the American people, Democrats included, aren't buying Joe Biden's lies. "But what the president is facing is a trap of his own making," Turley said.

"He ran for office promising, assuring, the American people that he had no knowledge of these transactions. That has been directly contradicted," Turley continued. "Hunter Biden himself contradicted his father on that. But you have Hunter's close associate saying that that's absolute nonsense, that, of course, he knew.

"So, [Joe is] in this, this sort of frozen-in-amber with a story that he cannot possibly maintain," Turley said. The statute of limitations has run out on many of Hunter Biden's alleged crimes, but Weiss was still forced into this indictment due to one unsung hero, Delaware Judge Maryellen Noreika.

Harvard Law Professor-Emeritus and political commentator Alan Dershowitz pointed out her role after the most recent Hunter Biden indictment. By rejecting the sweetheart plea deal, Noreika laid bare his crimes and the effort by Weiss to conceal them.

"Judge Noreika made sure that this was not all covered up by a deal that made no sense," Dershowitz said, adding that many "trashed" his prediction that she'd rightly pursue the Bidens. The judge did, and the law professor claims there "has been now much more information coming out to the American public."

Dershowitz went on to say that he believed that an impeachment would only be accepted based on party lines, much like Clinton's. However, "if there's a special counsel who's credible and who can get to the bottom of this and either clear President Biden or accuse President Biden, I think the American public will [accept it]."

Joe Biden has been in politics for a very long time and likely felt invincible because of it. Unfortunately for him, the reality is that Hunter Biden misbehaved so brazenly, and the president lied so carelessly, that there's nowhere left to hide.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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