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By Mae Slater on
 June 21, 2024

Jim Jordan Issues Subpoena Threat To Letitia James Over Trump Hush-Money Case

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan wrote to New York Attorney General Letitia James on Tuesday, threatening a subpoena if she does not provide the information requested about former Justice Department official Mathew Colangelo, who was involved in the prosecution of former President Trump.

The Committee is conducting oversight on what it considers politically motivated prosecutions and has set a deadline for compliance.

Fox News reported that Jordan's letter emphasized the need for transparency about Colangelo’s involvement in the Manhattan hush-money trial against Trump.

Colangelo, a former senior Justice Department official during the Biden Administration, played a significant role in the prosecution, raising concerns for the Committee about the potential political motivations behind the case.

Initial Request and Context

This request from Jordan traces back to May 15, when he initially asked for details regarding Colangelo’s engagement with the New York Attorney General’s Office. The initial deadline for a response was set for May 29, but as of the latest communication, James's office had not provided the requested information.

Jordan’s correspondence underlines the Committee’s duty to oversee and prevent politically driven legal actions.

The letter references the Supreme Court's acknowledgment of Congress's broad powers to conduct oversight, underscoring that such authority includes inquiries to ensure fairness and consistency in the nation's criminal justice system.

Besides the direct request, Jordan’s letter includes a sharp critique of New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg. Bragg is accused of abusing his prosecutorial authority by pursuing a case against a former President and current Presidential candidate. Colangelo’s significant role in Bragg’s prosecution team, particularly as a former prosecutor and senior Justice Department official, was highlighted as a point of contention.

The Committee is charged with maintaining fundamental American civil liberties and ensuring the criminal justice system operates impartially.

Jordan emphasized the potential consequences of politically motivated prosecutions, suggesting they could profoundly impact presidential actions and decision-making while in office.

Reasserting his demands, Jordan has set a new compliance deadline for 5:00 p.m. on July 2, 2024. He indicated that failure to comply might compel the Committee to use compulsory processes to obtain the necessary information.

Upcoming Testimonies and Further Actions

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Mathew Colangelo are scheduled to testify before the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on July 12.

This session is notably scheduled for the day following Trump’s sentencing in the hush-money case, drawing further attention to the timing and potential political impact of the legal actions.

Jordan’s efforts to gather information also extended to a previous request to Attorney General Merrick Garland, seeking clarity on the Department of Justice’s involvement in Trump’s local prosecution.

The DOJ responded, asserting that there had been no communication with New York prosecutors regarding the hush-money case, a statement that underlined the separation of federal and local prosecutorial activities.

Jordan’s letter not only scrutinizes Bragg's current prosecution of Trump but also references Bragg's earlier prosecution of Trump’s company in an unrelated tax fraud case. During the trial, Colangelo delivered opening statements and questioned key witnesses, including Hope Hicks, adding to the scrutiny of his role in politically sensitive prosecutions.

Jordan’s call for transparency and oversight reflects broader concerns about the implications of politically motivated prosecutions at both state and local levels. With the Committee’s focus on preventing potential abuses of prosecutorial power, this case highlights the ongoing tension between legal actions and political dynamics, particularly in high-profile scenarios involving former and current Presidents.


In summary, Jim Jordan’s letter to Letitia James emphasizes the need for transparency regarding Mathew Colangelo's involvement in the Trump hush-money case, amid concerns of politically motivated prosecution.

The House Judiciary Committee remains vigilant in its oversight duties, highlighting the potential impacts of such prosecutions on presidential powers and decision-making. As the deadlines for compliance approach and testimonies are set, the Committee’s investigation into these matters is poised to continue unfolding.

Written By:
Mae Slater

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