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By Mae Slater on
 May 19, 2024

Jacksonville Man Faces Federal Charges For Threatening To Kill Three Former Presidents

A Jacksonville man has been federally charged after threatening to kill three former U.S. presidents on social media. Cody Angeli was arrested on multiple counts for his threatening tweets aimed at both American and Canadian political figures.

First Coast News reported that Cody Angeli, from Jacksonville, faces three charges of threatening to injure after his tweets directed at prominent political leaders surfaced.

Between May 4 and May 8, Angeli used his Twitter account to make violent threats against figures including President Joe Biden and former Presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama.

The targeted tweets did not spare other political figures such as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and Senator Ted Cruz. The authorities were able to link the threatening tweets to Angeli through the phone number registered in Jacksonville and his use of a real name as his Twitter handle.

Angeli's Troubling Claims and Mental Health Concerns

A relative of Angeli informed investigators about his mental health condition, suggesting that he suffers from bipolar schizophrenia. This family member also highlighted that Angeli had made similar threats towards his own family in the past.

When approached by law enforcement, Angeli's behavior was erratic, as he claimed that his thoughts were being stolen and bizarrely declared himself to be God and President John F. Kennedy Jr. Despite these proclamations, Angeli insisted that he had no real intention to harm anyone.

Refusing any form of mental health treatment, Angeli justified his actions by asserting that he was merely exercising his First Amendment rights. This stance was clearly articulated during his interaction with the authorities, where he firmly stated, "I was exercising my First Amendment rights."

Following his arrest on May 9, the seriousness of Angeli’s threats has drawn considerable attention from federal law enforcement. His case is particularly notable given the high-profile nature of the individuals targeted and the explicit nature of the threats.

One of the tweets chillingly stated, "I'll kill @potus," while another was similarly direct: "YOURE DEAD @POTUS." These tweets have played a central role in the charges filed against him.

Angeli is currently awaiting further legal proceedings, with his next court hearing scheduled for May 24. The outcome of this hearing could have significant implications for Angeli, particularly considering his refusal to seek mental health treatment and his claims of divine and presidential identity.

The case against Cody Angeli raises important questions about the limits of free speech and the responsibilities of social media users, especially when discussing public figures. It also highlights the ongoing concerns over how mental health issues are handled legally and socially, particularly when they intersect with potential threats to public safety.

Authorities are taking these threats seriously, as they underscore the potential risks posed by individuals who use social media to broadcast violent intentions, regardless of their mental health status.

The legal system’s response to this case will be closely monitored, as it could set precedents for how similar threats are managed in the future, especially those made through increasingly ubiquitous social media platforms.

Broader Repercussions and Community Responses

The community in Jacksonville and beyond has reacted with a mix of concern and interest, with many calling for stronger measures to monitor and regulate online behavior that poses a threat to public safety.

As the legal process unfolds, the public and media alike are keenly observing how justice will be served in a case that tests the boundaries of free speech and public safety in the digital age.

In conclusion, Cody Angeli's arrest and the charges against him highlight a significant challenge facing society today: balancing freedom of expression with the necessity to protect individuals from harm. This case will likely serve as a pivotal point in ongoing debates over freedom of speech, mental health, and the role of social media in public discourse.

Written By:
Mae Slater

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