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 October 15, 2023

Israel kills Hamas leader Ali Kachi, who is widely suspected of being the chief architect of October 7th terrorist attack

Israel claims to have killed the Hamas leader behind the Oct. 7 terror attack on the Israeli people. 

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) indicated as much in a message that it posted to social media on Saturday, Oct. 14, 2023.

The IDF wrote:

Ali Qadi led the inhumane, barbaric October 7 massacre of civilians in Israel. We just eliminated him. All Hamas terrorists will meet the same fate.

More information has been provided by the Israeli Air Force. Here is a video of the strike:

The English translation of the above message is:

Air Force aircraft, under the intelligence guidance of the Shin Bet and Amman, killed Ali Kachi, a commander in the Najaba force of the terrorist organization Hamas, who led a terrorist attack in the settlements surrounding Gaza last weekend. In 2005, Ali was arrested following the kidnapping and murder of Israelis and was returned as part of the Gilad Shalit deal.

In another message, the Israeli Air Force writes, "Based on precise IDF and ISA intelligence, IAF aircraft killed Ali Qadi, a company commander of the Hamas "Nukhba" commando force, who led the terror attack in Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip last weekend."

A spokesperson for the IDF, on Sunday, confirmed the killing of another Hamas leader, Billal al-Qedra.

During an appearance on the Fox News Channel's Fox News Sunday, Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said:

The operation is ongoing. We are destroying Hamas’s capability and I would say we’re also focusing on the special forces of Hamas, the Nakba force.

Al-Qedra, as the commander of Hamas's Nukhba southern unit, is also believed to have been involved in the attacks on Nirim Kibbutz last weekend.

On Thursday, it was reported that the IDF killed Muhammad Abu Shamla, a senior Hamas naval operative, in another airstrike.

This all comes as Israel has launched a major counteroffensive against Hamas. And, the counteroffensive follows a deadly terror attack that Hamas launched against Israel, killing over a thousand and taking many others hostage.

The latest reports indicate that about 3,600 people have been killed in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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