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 September 24, 2023

IRS whistleblower claims that California and D.C. prosecutors protected Hunter Biden from charges

IRS agent Darrell Waldon, the fourth IRS whistleblower to come forward against Hunter Biden, claimed that prosecutors in Washington, DC, and California blocked Hunter Biden from being charged.

Waldon explained that special counsel David Weiss, who's jurisdiction is in Delaware, was blocked from filing charges against Hunter Biden by California and D.C. prosecutors who exerted their jurisdiction in order to protect Biden.

During testimony in front of the House Ways and Means Committee, Waldon stated, "Mr. Weiss went to the U.S. Attorney’s Office — I can’t recall the dates — and they did not agree to prosecute the case in D.C. I’m aware that it was presented to the District of Columbia and, at some point, the Central District of California, I believe."

This testimony corroborates claims made by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley who also said that Hunter Biden escaped being charged because of liberal prosecutors who were protecting him.

Unbelievable corruption

Over the past few years, it has become evident that our justice system has been subverted by the left but we are still discovering unbelievable corruption.

For a prosecutor to blatantly decline to file charges against the son of the President demonstrates that our justice system is completely broken and in need of serious reforms.

This testimony has put Attorney General Merrick Garland in the crosshairs of the House Oversight Committee who brought Garland in to testify in front of the committee this past week.

During that testimony, House Oversight Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) asked Garland, "You said [Weiss] had complete authority, but he’d already been turned down. He wanted to bring an action in D.C. and the US Attorney there said, ‘No, you can’t’ — and then you go tell the U.S. Senate, under oath, that he has complete authority?"

Garland responded by saying, 'No one had the authority to turn him down; they could refuse to partner with him.”

Luckily, Jordan locked Garland's semantics down and followed up saying, "You can use whatever language — ‘refuse to partner’ is turning down."

It's clear that Garland isn't being open with the House Oversight Committee and not only does his testimony confirm Waldon and Shapley's allegations, it also implicates him in this scheme to protect President Biden's son from charges.

The walls are closing in

President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden are both in a bad spot and Attorney General Garland as well as countless members of the Department of Justice could all go down depending on how Congress chooses to handle this information.

Democrats have been downright defiant and have refused to acknowledge the investigation into the Biden family, but that could change with the testimony of these whistleblowers.

The information we have right now paints a damning picture and moderate Democrats in Congress might waver in the face of such overwhelming evidence of corruption.

Written By:
Robert Hoel

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