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 November 1, 2023

Iran nuclear deal architect Jack Lew confirmed for ambassador to Israel

It's sickening to think that the architect behind the disastrous Iran nuclear deal would have any official connection to Israel, but welcome to President Joe Biden's administration.

According to The Daily Wire, Jack Lew, the man behind the Iran nuclear deal that put Israel at great risk, was just confirmed as the new U.S. ambassador to Israel.

The Democrat-controlled Senate voted 53-43 in favor of confirming Lew for the position, even after strong Republican opposition.

Notably, Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Rand Paul (R-KY) sided with Democrats on the issue, voting in favor of confirming Lew.

The Daily Wire recapped his history:

Lew, the former Treasury secretary, played a key role in the development of the Iran Nuclear Deal agreed upon in 2015 when Biden was vice president. He was also questioned in 2016 after he played a role in the Obama administration’s handout of $400 million in cash to Tehran.

In other words, this is the LAST guy that should have been confirmed as the ambassador to Israel.

A number of high-profile Republicans torched Biden and the White House for even considering someone like Lew -- someone whose actual support for Israel is heavily questioned.

"Biden’s pick to be the Ambassador to Israel, Jack Lew orchestrated and implemented the Iran nuclear deal," Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said recently.

He added, "The billions from that deal helped fund the Hamas death squads that murdered … Israelis and Americans. It would be nice if we had an ambassador that would support Israel."

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) added, "America needs a reliable ambassador to Israel with a record of defending the Jewish State. Jack Lew, an Iranian sympathizer, would be the opposite."

What a sad state of affairs.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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